Higher education

The Issei (first-generation Japanese immigrants) put great emphasis on education as a means of succeeding in the U.S. While many Nisei (second-generation Japanese Americans) obtained college degrees, they found professions closed to them. It was not uncommon for educated nisei to be forced to settle for menial jobs in the ethnic community. Frequently, Japanese Americans could find jobs commensurate with their education only by becoming independent professionals such as doctors and dentists providing services to the Japanese community. The World War II incarceration interrupted thousands of students' university educations.

Education (336)
Higher education (812)

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Yamato Ichihashi, Yuji Ichioka, Harry Kitano, T. Scott Miyakawa, S. Frank Miyamoto, National Japanese American Student Relocation Council, Tamotsu Shibutani, Tamie Tsuchiyama, Toshio Yatsushiro


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812 items
Graduation portrait of Taiji Mashihara from Harvard (ddr-ajah-6-24)
img Graduation portrait of Taiji Mashihara from Harvard (ddr-ajah-6-24)
Caption below photo: Taiji Mashihara's 1920 Harvard graduation photo. After his arrival from Japan in 1907, he lived in Alameda., CA., and attended the University of California. He moved to Boston to study dentistry and dental surgery, a rare occupation for an Issei in America. Inscription on front: T. Mashihara 1920. Inscription in Japanese on side …
Graduation portrait of Shizuto Kawamura (ddr-ajah-6-73)
img Graduation portrait of Shizuto Kawamura (ddr-ajah-6-73)
Inscription on front: Sincerely, [?] Kawamura 1929. Caption below photo: Shizuto Kawamura graduates from U.C. Berkeley in May 1929. He was born in Alameda, CA circa 1908.
Man standing outside building (ddr-ajah-6-44)
img Man standing outside building (ddr-ajah-6-44)
Caption below photo: Kenji Tomita, of Alameda, CA., at the University of Cincinnati, OH., circa 1943-1944
Graduation portrait of Kimiko Nakayama (ddr-ajah-6-187)
img Graduation portrait of Kimiko Nakayama (ddr-ajah-6-187)
Inscription on front: Kimi 5/'36. Caption below photo: Kimiko Nakayama graduates from design school at Woodbury College in Los Angeles, CA. May 1936
Yoshiko and Tosao Yamada at the University of Washington graduation (ddr-densho-432-79)
img Yoshiko and Tosao Yamada at the University of Washington graduation (ddr-densho-432-79)
Yoshiko Yamada at her graduation from the University of Washington. She stands here with her mother, Tosao Yamada.