Community activities
1791 items
1791 items

Phyllis and Foo (ddr-densho-468-382)
Black and white photo of Phyllis (left) and Foo Uyeno (right) standing on the deck of a ship. Two captions on album page written in white pencil. Above photo: "'All dressed up and no--'" Below photo: "Phyllis and Foo"

Streamers (ddr-densho-468-345)
Black and white photo of crowd holding streamers. Caption on album page: "Spiderweb--" written in white pencil.

Young man in Japanese school uniform (ddr-densho-468-325)
Black and white photo of young man in Japanese school uniform. Caption on album page: "INNOCENT ABROAD" stenciled in white pencil.

Ship with crowd (ddr-densho-468-337)
Small Black and white photo of a ship with a crowd in the foreground.

Fence with signs in Japanese (ddr-densho-468-510)
Black and white photo of a fence with signs written in Japanese.

Joe, Phyllis, Hiato and Kawano (ddr-densho-468-370)
Black and white photo of a man and three women seated on a ship deck. Caption on album page: "Joe & Phyllis Mesdames Hiato and Kawano" written in white pencil.

Clouds over Oahu (ddr-densho-468-349)
Black and white photo of clouds at sea. Caption on album page: "Clouds over Oahu" written in white pencil.

Phyllis and Foo (ddr-densho-468-364)
Black and white photo of a Phyllis (left) and Foo Uyeno (right) standing on the deck of a ship. Caption on album page: "Phyllis and Foo" written in white pencil.

Lake Chuzenji and Kegon Falls (ddr-densho-468-413)
Black and white photo of a waterfall and lake. Caption on album page: "Lake Chuzenji and Kegon Falls" written in white pencil.

Golden Gate Bridge (ddr-densho-468-343)
Black and white photo of the Golden Gate Bridge taken from the San Francisco Bay. Caption on album page: "Golden Gate Bridge" written in white pencil.

Interview with Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-415)
Written by Ryo Tsai's grandson David Lee for his high school heritage project

Ishikawa, Kikuta, Matsubayashi (ddr-densho-468-497)
Black and white photo of three men. Caption on album page: "Ishikawa, Kikuta, Matsubayashi" written in white pencil.

Tree with islands in background (ddr-densho-468-408)
Black and white photo of several islands framed by trees.

Ollie, Foo, Fusa, Torh, Chiyo, Hash (ddr-densho-468-367)
Black and white group photo of six people on the deck of a ship. Caption on album page: "Ollie, Foo, Fusa, Torh, Chiyo, Hash" written in white pencil.

Joe, Tosh, Foo's Arm (ddr-densho-468-384)
Black and white photo of two men posed on the deck of a ship with an elbow in the foreground. Caption on album page: "Joe & Tosh, Foo's Arm" written in white pencil.

Nutsu toga (ddr-densho-468-505)
Black and white photo of mountains. Caption on album page: "from nutsu toga" written in white pencil.

Yo, Chiyo, Fusa, Foo, and Tosh (ddr-densho-468-383)
Black and white photo of five people kneeling over the rail of a ship. Two captions on album page written in white pencil. Above photo: "'Seasick?'" Below photo: "Yo, Chiyo, Fusa, Foo, Tosh"

from Nihonmatsubara (ddr-densho-468-504)
Black and white photo of trees along a beach. Caption on album page: "from Nihonmatsubara" written in white pencil.

Temple dock at night (ddr-densho-468-493)
Black and white photo of a temple at night with a torii in the lake in the background.

Joe Ishikawa and Phyllis (ddr-densho-468-363)
Black and white photo of Joseph Ishikawa (left) and Phyllis (right) standing on the deck of a ship. Caption on album page: "[erased] and Phyllis" written in white pencil.