
Community activities (1956)
Travel (1791)


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1791 items
Display of handbags (ddr-densho-426-729)
img Display of handbags (ddr-densho-426-729)
Likely taken during William and Martha (Nozawa) Tsuchida's trip around Europe while living in London.
Woman standing on trolley or subway car (ddr-densho-426-696)
img Woman standing on trolley or subway car (ddr-densho-426-696)
Possibly Martha (Nozawa) Tsuchida. Likely taken during William and Martha (Nozawa) Tsuchida's trip around Europe while living in London.
Woman on deck of Eiffel Tower (ddr-densho-426-715)
img Woman on deck of Eiffel Tower (ddr-densho-426-715)
Likely taken during William and Martha (Nozawa) Tsuchida's trip around Europe while living in London.
View from inside bus (ddr-densho-426-691)
img View from inside bus (ddr-densho-426-691)
Likely taken during William and Martha (Nozawa) Tsuchida's trip around Europe while living in London.
Hotel building front (ddr-densho-426-624)
img Hotel building front (ddr-densho-426-624)
Likely taken during William and Martha (Nozawa) Tsuchida's trip around Europe while living in London.
View of countryside from bus window (ddr-densho-426-778)
img View of countryside from bus window (ddr-densho-426-778)
Likely taken during William and Martha (Nozawa) Tsuchida's trip around Europe while living in London.