Conventions and conferences

Community activities (1042)
Conventions and conferences (2558)


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2558 items
Dona Lee (ddr-densho-336-776)
img Dona Lee (ddr-densho-336-776)
The 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Ritz Konatsu, Haruye Nagata, and Lilly Nagata sitting on a rock (ddr-densho-336-54)
img Ritz Konatsu, Haruye Nagata, and Lilly Nagata sitting on a rock (ddr-densho-336-54)
Ritz Konatsu, Haruye Nagata, and Lily Nagata at the 1946 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Boy's cabin group (ddr-densho-336-979)
img Boy's cabin group (ddr-densho-336-979)
The 1977 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. Caption on front: "Ken Kawamoto, Glenn Yemoto, Steve Shiozaki, Dave Yamaoka, Brad Shirakawa / front: Frank Suzuki, Willie Gong."
Cabin door (ddr-densho-336-160)
img Cabin door (ddr-densho-336-160)
Writing on a cabin door at the 1969 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. "Mickey Mouse Club Welcome Girls!"
Draft of a poster for the 1975 Lake Sequoia Retreat (ddr-densho-336-673)
doc Draft of a poster for the 1975 Lake Sequoia Retreat (ddr-densho-336-673)
A poster that was never produced, but was meant to include pictures of the cabinet members.
Playing on a slide (ddr-densho-336-165)
img Playing on a slide (ddr-densho-336-165)
The 1969 Lake Sequoia Retreat reunion in Salinas.