
Geographic communities (318)
Washington (647)


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647 items
Family portrait (ddr-densho-359-354)
img Family portrait (ddr-densho-359-354)
The Kawamoto family stand for a portrait. Back row from left to right: Shigeko and Joe Kawamoto, John Nakata, Kenji Nakata, Pauline Nakata. Front row from left to right: Jeanette Otsuka, Kaichi and Itsuno Kawamoto, Alice Kawamoto, Donnie Nakata
Children (ddr-densho-359-225)
img Children (ddr-densho-359-225)
From left to right, Alice Kawamoto, Uchimi Otsuka, Joe Ono
House (ddr-densho-359-608)
img House (ddr-densho-359-608)
Caption beneath the photograph in the album "Mr. Moir's home at Long branch".
Berry picker (ddr-densho-359-271)
img Berry picker (ddr-densho-359-271)
Alice Kawamoto poses in the berry field at Ishida's.
Portrait of a young child (ddr-densho-359-1074)
img Portrait of a young child (ddr-densho-359-1074)
Wayne Nakata. Stamped on the bottom right hand corner of the photograph "Jackson Studio Seattle". The caption in the album "Wayne 6 mos. Old"
Kawamoto family (ddr-densho-359-583)
img Kawamoto family (ddr-densho-359-583)
Kawamoto family members and friends pose in front of their home. Second from left to right: Kaichi Kawamoto, Yoshiko, and Itsuno Kawamoto
Kawamoto house (ddr-densho-359-679)
img Kawamoto house (ddr-densho-359-679)
A group of people pose on the porch of the new Kawamoto house.
Two women (ddr-densho-359-150)
img Two women (ddr-densho-359-150)
Alice Kawamoto (right) poses with another women.
High school portrait (ddr-densho-359-6)
img High school portrait (ddr-densho-359-6)
Students post for high school group photograph. Alice Kawamoto is in the 1st row 2nd from right. On the back of the photograph students have signed their names in correspondence to their postion in the photograph.
Portrait of a woman (ddr-densho-359-233)
img Portrait of a woman (ddr-densho-359-233)
Jeanette Otsuka. The photograph is signed "To Alice May 1932". The caption under the photograph in the album is "Jeanette".
Sisters at hot springs (ddr-densho-359-263)
img Sisters at hot springs (ddr-densho-359-263)
Yonchan Nakata and her sister, Sachan Nakata, pose on porch.
Kawamoto house (ddr-densho-359-641)
img Kawamoto house (ddr-densho-359-641)
The Kawamoto house while still under construction.
Portrait of a child (ddr-densho-359-1084)
img Portrait of a child (ddr-densho-359-1084)
Stamped in the bottom on the right hand corner "Jackson Studio Seattle".
Group photograph in front of car (ddr-densho-359-358)
img Group photograph in front of car (ddr-densho-359-358)
From left to right: Ken Nakata, Mo Nakata, Jerry Nakata, Mrs. Yamagata, Pauline Nakata, Shima Nakata, Kenji Nakata, Sadako Nakata, Shigeko Kawamoto, Alice Kawamoto, Jitsuzo Nakata, Joe Kawamoto
Graduate (ddr-densho-359-258)
img Graduate (ddr-densho-359-258)
Alice Kawamoto poses outside of her home.
Married couple (ddr-densho-359-268)
img Married couple (ddr-densho-359-268)
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh rest outside the packing house.
Graduate (ddr-densho-359-259)
img Graduate (ddr-densho-359-259)
Alice Kawamoto poses with her high school diploma.
Bainbridge Cleaners (ddr-densho-359-1228)
img Bainbridge Cleaners (ddr-densho-359-1228)
The outside of Phil Okano's cleaners on Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Family portrait (ddr-densho-359-703)
img Family portrait (ddr-densho-359-703)
Kanogawa family: back row: Sho and Sei Kanogawa, front row, Reo, Shizu, Yae, and Shoji Kanogawa. Stamped in the bottom right hand corner "Jackson Studio Seattle". The caption beneath the photograph in the album is written in Japanese.