New York

Geographic communities (318)
New York (300)


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300 items
Rocks Rate Nod Over Trees In Japan, Garden Circle Told (ddr-densho-377-1666)
doc Rocks Rate Nod Over Trees In Japan, Garden Circle Told (ddr-densho-377-1666)
Newspaper clipping describing Kaneji Domoto's landscaping and bonsai workshop for the Garden Circle of New Rochelle. Also mentions future group meetings.
Schulman Corporate Park (ddr-densho-377-2828)
img Schulman Corporate Park (ddr-densho-377-2828)
Back of photo reads "Schulman Corporate Park, White Plains N.Y."
Clipping (ddr-densho-377-1688)
doc Clipping (ddr-densho-377-1688)
Describes a talk to be given by Kaneji Domoto at an ASA B'nai B'rith Women Chai luncheon. Headline is cut off; first word is "Bonsai".
Placing rock (ddr-densho-377-2761)
img Placing rock (ddr-densho-377-2761)
Kaneji is in the foreground, leaning away from the camera.