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1211 items
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, September 25, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-191)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, September 25, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-191)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of the Japanese show, the JACL-sponsored party for soldiers, donations for the club room, the suggestion to hold an inaugural ball with the Salinas and San Benito chapters, and raising funds for the Community Chest drive. See this object in the California State Universities …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 1, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-163)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 1, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-163)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of the Japanese benefit show, the next edition of the "Tradewind," and prizes for the benefit drawing. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0162
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 4, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-176)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 4, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-176)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Features reports on the New Years dance, President's birthday party, and inaugural dinner. Topics discussed include membership dues, the membership drive, and suggestions for how to raise money. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0175
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 6, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-177)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 6, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-177)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes reports on the Infantile Paralysis Fund, Minato basketball game, skating party, and March of Dimes drive. Discussion topics include membership dues, suggestions for the membership drive, the benefit movie screening, and the idea of co-sponsoring a picnic with the Japanese Association. The suggestion that the …
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 8, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-165)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 8, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-165)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Features discussion of the Women's auxiliary, the Pacific Citizen newspaper, and the San Francisco District Council meeting. Additional topics include the convention fund, the Japanese benefit show, tickets and prizes for the drawing, delegate selection for the National Convention, and a letter from Sonoma County asking …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 11, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-186)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 11, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-186)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of co-sponsoring the Boy Scouts troop with the church, the graduation party, the dance class at the Bay View Grammar School, the Fourth of July parade, donations collected from use of the chapter's American flag, and the San Francisco District Council meeting. See …
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 14, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-159)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 14, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-159)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Discussion topics include the graduation party, the Fresno District Council meeting, a proposal for a women's auxiliary, participation in the Fourth of July parade, and expatriation. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0158
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, December 3, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-172)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, December 3, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-172)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Features discussion of the Christmas party, the New Years dance, a letter from the Intermountain District Council, and the nomination committee. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0171
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, September 10, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-166)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, September 10, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-166)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of the women's auxiliary, participation in the Monterey County Fair, and the anti-alien fishing bills. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0165
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-164)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-164)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Features discussion of participation in the county fair, a letter requesting donation to the Portland convention fund, and alien registration. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0163
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 10, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-160)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 10, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-160)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Topics addressed include the Fourth of July parade and phonograph dance, the women's auxiliary, the talent show organized by the Salinas skeet club, postponement of the monthly dance class, purchase of a mimeograph, and election of an editor for the "Tradewind." See this object in …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, January 14, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-175)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, January 14, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-175)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Features discussion of the program for the inaugural dinner, the skating party for the President's birthday, and committee appointments. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0174
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 28, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-178)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 28, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-178)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Topics include the anti-alien fishing bill, the membership drive, and the suggestion to create a calendar of activities for the year to present to prospective members. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0177
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, January 7, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-174)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, January 7, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-174)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of sponsoring a skating party for the President's birthday, the installation of new officers, and the recommendation to distinguish between paid and unpaid members. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0173
Group of Nisei 8th graders with a teacher outside a barrack (ddr-csujad-44-29)
img Group of Nisei 8th graders with a teacher outside a barrack (ddr-csujad-44-29)
A large group photograph of boys and girls who are 8th graders incarcerated at Tule Lake, California, with their teacher. The group of children is posing in three rows outside a barrack. The girls and boys in the back two rows are standing. The girls in the front row are seated in chairs. Their Caucasian teacher …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 9, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-155)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 9, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-155)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Topics discussed include the benefit drawing, Arbor Day program, membership drive, and contributions to the convention fund. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0154
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-171)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-171)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of the Pacific Citizen newspaper, revision of the JACL constitution, and preparations for the 1941 convention. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0170
Central California Cantaloupe Company claim to trade mark (ddr-csujad-46-2)
doc Central California Cantaloupe Company claim to trade mark (ddr-csujad-46-2)
Claim to trade mark of the phrase "GOLD STAR BRAND" and company design by the Central California Cantaloupe Company and signed by the state secretary of the state of California, Frank C. Jordan. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0002
Letter from the Stanislaus Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League to the Japanese American Citizens League in San Francisco, March 29, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-22)
doc Letter from the Stanislaus Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League to the Japanese American Citizens League in San Francisco, March 29, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-22)
Letter from the Stanislaus Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League to the Japanese American Citizens League in San Francisco concerning the districts in the chapter and their representing persons. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0022
Letter from Fumi Yaki to Japanese American Citizens League member chapters, April 3, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-5)
doc Letter from Fumi Yaki to Japanese American Citizens League member chapters, April 3, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-5)
Letter describing Fumi Yaki's leave of position due to first mass removal in California. She states turning her work over to Miss Mary Louise K. Seo. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0005
Agreement for renunciation of Japanese citizenship (ddr-csujad-46-49)
doc Agreement for renunciation of Japanese citizenship (ddr-csujad-46-49)
Agreement for renunciation of Japanese citizenship of Yoneichi Matsushige. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0049
Letter from the Stanislaus Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League to Harry Naka, March 31, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-23)
doc Letter from the Stanislaus Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League to Harry Naka, March 31, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-23)
Letter of gratitude and "appreciation" from the Stanislaus Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League to Harry Naka, president of the American Loyalty League of Livingston, California. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0023
Photograph of Nisaburo Aibara (ddr-csujad-46-3)
img Photograph of Nisaburo Aibara (ddr-csujad-46-3)
Photograph of Nisaburo Aibara in 1968 as he receives the Ruby Medal of the Order of the Sacred Treasure from the Japanese government. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0003
Japanese American Citizens League Northern California District Council special meeting minutes, March 10, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-25)
doc Japanese American Citizens League Northern California District Council special meeting minutes, March 10, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-25)
Japanese American Citizens League, northern California district council, special meeting minutes discussing budgets, dues, assessments, treasury announcements, and forced evacuation information. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0025
Letter from Ohashi to Jack Noda, March 20, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-21)
doc Letter from Ohashi to Jack Noda, March 20, 1942 (ddr-csujad-46-21)
Follow-up letter from Mr. Ohashi of the Stockton chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League to Jack Noda, president of the Stanislaus Merced chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League regarding the Stockton chapter's constitution and the mass removal preparation. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0021