Geographic communities
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1211 items
1211 items

Florin aea reunion supplement (ddr-csujad-55-2701)
Supplement to the Florin area reunion booklet. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2865

Tule Lake WRA Center (ddr-csujad-55-2476)
Aerial map of the Tule Lake incarceration camp indicating the location of the project boundary, guard towers, schools, main gate, police, hospital, administrative buildings, barracks, and roads. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2582

Letter from the Tsukamoto family, December, 1947 (ddr-csujad-55-111)
Christmas letter from the Tsukamoto family including an update on family life, farm, school, and church. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0113

Letter from Al and Mary Tsukamoto, December 1948 (ddr-csujad-55-112)
Christmas letter from Al and Mary Tsukamoto. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0114

II Florin area reunion, August 29, 30, 31, 1986: pre-evacuation Japanese community reunion, Florin, Elk Grove, Mayhew, Perkins, Taishoku, Brighton (ddr-csujad-55-2689)
Pamphlet of Florin arean reunion. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2853

Address to the Sheriffs of California by Robert W. Kenny, Attorney General of California, Sheriffs meeting, Sacramento, March 16, 1945 (ddr-csujad-55-1674)
Speech given to the Sheriffs of California at the Sheriffs meeting regarding protection, civil liberties, and discrimination against former incarcerees returning to the state. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1676

Pleasant Grove School, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 1930 (ddr-csujad-55-2595)
A photograph of Pleasant Grove School, 5th through 8th grade, student names on back, 1930. Title from caption on back side. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2759

Loomis Grammar School Basketball Team (ddr-csujad-55-2604)
A photograph of Loomis Grammar School Basketball Team. Title from caption. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2768

Once-in-a-lifetime-reunion, Florin, California, commemorative booklet (ddr-csujad-55-2696)
The reunion was held at Florin Buddhist Church and sponsored by the Florin Historical Society. The commemorative souvenir booklet contains a wealth of historical information about Florin, California including photographs. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2860

Women making strawberry baskets at Florin Basket Factory (ddr-csujad-55-1590)
Black and white photograph depicting women of Japanese ancestry making strawberry baskets at the Florin Basket Factory. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1592

Florin area reunion October 10, 1981: pre-evacuation Japanese community reunion, Florin, Elk Grove, Mayhew, Perkins, Taishoku, Brighton (ddr-csujad-55-2688)
Florin Area reunion with pre-evacuation Japanese community including: Florin, Elk Grove, Mayhew, Perkins, Taishoku, Brighton. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2852

Japanese female names (ddr-csujad-55-2568)
Japanese female names are listed: Noriko, Chikako, Chisato, Mieko, Hiroko, Michie, Tamaki, Michiko, Fumie, Takeko. Letterhead from Chiharu Goda, P.O. Box 642, Marysville, California. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2680

Florin Basket Factory (ddr-csujad-55-1589)
Black and white photograph depicting a man of Japanese ancestry standing next to a Seybold machine at the Florin Basket Factory. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1591

Sumitomo Bank at 4th and L Streets, Sacramento, California (ddr-csujad-55-1593)
Black and white photograph depicting facade of the Sumimoto Bank located at 4th and L Street in Sacramento. Bank was owned by Kameki Sakata. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1595

Community analysis report, no. 69 (April 17, 1945) (ddr-csujad-55-1661)
Report on "the Japanese from Lancaster, California" incarcerated at the Poston incarceration camp. Covers the geography and climate, farms, education, religion, recreation, associations, race relations, and forced evacuation. "Community analysis section." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1663

Pleasant Grove School (ddr-csujad-55-2601)
Black and white photograph of Pleasant Grove School. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2765

Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of the Oxnard Buddhist Church (ddr-densho-469-12)
Includes pictures related to the church, the church's founders, and people related to the church. Also includes a message from bishop Kenryu T. Tsuji and the mayor of Oxnard, Dr. Tsujio Kato, as well as a history of the Oxnard Buddhist Church.

Oxnard Buddhist Church 50th Anniversary Supplement (ddr-densho-469-11)
Supplement to the Oxnard Buddhist Church's 50th-anniversary booklet. Includes lists of the items donated to the church, uchishiki, and the names of individuals who donated to the church and the Oxnard Buddhist Women's Association.

Japanese American Courier Vol. 8, No. 399 (September 7, 1935) (ddr-densho-96-434)
Selected article titles: "Fresno Citizens' Meet Rated as Great Gathering" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 15, No. 734 (February 6, 1942) (ddr-densho-96-769)
Selected article titles: "Dislocations Hit California Young" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Chapter Lending Much Assistance in Filing Forms" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 14, No. 713 (September 12, 1941) (ddr-densho-96-748)
Selected article titles: "Southern Council Officers to Meet" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang Overs" (p. 3), "Courier to Have 'Nisei Birthday' Special Edition" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 12, No. 612 (October 7, 1939) (ddr-densho-96-647)
Selected article titles: "California Labor Stands by Aliens" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Boom Hits Japan Says Takahashi, Back From Tokio" (p. 4)

Letter to Daniel Evans from M. Katayama (ddr-densho-510-5)
Includes copy of letter to Alden Barber from M. Katayama. (ddr-densho-510-3)

Letter to Wes Uhlman from M. Katayama (ddr-densho-510-6)
Includes copy of letter to Alden Barber from M. Katayama. (ddr-densho-510-3)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 10, No. 478 (March 13, 1937) (ddr-densho-96-513)
Selected article titles: "Test on Finances Hits Manchoukuo" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)