Arts and literature
Performing arts
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210 items
210 items

Two men and a woman in traditional clothes, possibly costume for performance (ddr-densho-426-1452)
Inscription: Marie (dull) Kaley Bill [crossed out]. Master ddr-densho-426-1449

Man in kimono, possibly costume for performance (ddr-densho-426-1454)
Inscription: Harald Tadao Moto Bill [crossed out] Tomoye Ted (4" x 5") [crossed out] Kaley. Master ddr-densho-426-1449

Two performers on stage (ddr-densho-426-1596)
Likely at the Golden Gate International Exposition. (negative)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 12, No. 616 (November 4, 1939) (ddr-densho-96-651)
Selected article titles: "Vegetable Group Will Rebuild Soil" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Chapter Benefit Opening Tonight to Draw Throngs" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 12, No. 615 (October 28, 1939) (ddr-densho-96-650)
Selected article titles: "Fishery Products Back Japan Trade" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Youthful Talent Will Disport at Chapter Benefit" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 1, No. 7 (February 11, 1928) (ddr-densho-96-35)
Selected article titles: "Press Needs Censor as do Theatres; Should be Cleaned" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "U.S. Grain Export Reaches Grand Total in 1927" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 1, No. 5 (January 28, 1928) (ddr-densho-96-33)
Selected article titles: "Rising Generation Should Take Stock of Themselves Now" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Steele McKaye's Contributions to the Modern Stage" (p. 4)

Man posing in costume (ddr-ajah-4-55)
Caption below photo: Min Yoshida, playing the role of Majundahr, the Hindu magician, is one of the actors in the stageplay of "An Old Kentucky Garden," at the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South in Alameda, CA. The show was directed by Ruby Yoshino and Albert Torio. March 1937

Group in costume for stageplay "An Old Kentucky Garden" (ddr-ajah-4-49)
Caption below photo: Cast members from "An Old Kentucky Garden" stageplay at JME Alameda, CA March 1937

Couple posing in costumes (ddr-ajah-4-52)
Caption below photo: Tim Yamasaki, as Stephen Foster and Etsu Yoshida, as Adaliza, are actors from "An Old Kentucky Garden," a stageplay at the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South in Alameda, CA. The show was directed by Ruby Yoshino and Albert Torio. March 1937

Couple posing in costumes (ddr-ajah-4-51)
Caption below photo: Munch Mizokuchi, as Phillip, and Etsu Yoshida, as Adaliza, are actors in "An Old Kentucky Garden," a stageplay at the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in Alameda, CA. March 1937

Three women in costumes (ddr-ajah-4-54)
Caption below photo: Kiyo Date (left), as Elmino, Etsu Yoshida, as Adaliza, and Shinayo Kikuchi sing in "An Old Kentucky Garden", a stageplay at the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South in Alameda, CA. The show was directed by Ruby Yoshino and Alber Torio. March 1937

Woman posing in costume (ddr-ajah-4-50)
Photo signed on front: Sincerely, Shinayo "32". Caption below photo: Shinayo Kikuchi sings in the choral group in the stageplay of "An Old Kentucky Garden," at the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South i Alameda, CA. The show was directed by Ruby Yoshino and Albert Torio. March 1937

Program for "An Old Kentucky Garden" (ddr-ajah-4-56)
Seventh Benefit Entertainment of the Young Peoples Epworth League. Includes ads for local businesses,

Couple posing in costumes (ddr-ajah-4-53)
Caption below photo: Etsu Yoshida, as Adaliza, and Leroy Kajiwara, as Colonel Staunton, are two of the actors in the stageplay of "An Old Kentucky Garden" at the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South in Alameda, CA. March 1937

Stage performance and audience (ddr-densho-475-264)
Black and white photograph of audience watching costumed performers on stage.

Child in costume (ddr-densho-475-270)
Black and white photograph of an unidentified child in kimono costume and makeup.

Woman in samurai costume (ddr-densho-475-271)
Black and white photograph of an unidentified woman in a samurai costume and wig on stage swinging a prop sword.

Stage dancers (ddr-densho-475-258)
Blurry black and white photograph of four dancers with fans in Japanese dress on stage.

Woman in costume (ddr-densho-475-267)
Black and white photograph of an unidentified woman in costume for traditional Japanese performing arts.

Play performers (ddr-densho-475-259)
Blurry black and white photograph of two women in kimono and makeup holding large fish-shaped objects on a stage. An unidentified man in suit is standing off to the side.