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A Young American with a Japanese Face (essay)
170 items
Student essay: "Rain" (ddr-densho-171-147)
Excerpt: "The black hovering clouds indicated rain -- heavy rain. The day appeared like night, darker and darker it got."
Student essay: "War" (ddr-densho-171-170)
Excerpt: "'December 7th, 1941, Japs attack Pearl Harbor' 'Surprise Attack in Pearl Harbor!' War! War!"
Student essay: "Hauling Rocks" (ddr-densho-171-169)
Excerpt: "When I woke up in the morning and went to work I found out that we had to haul rocks to Block 3."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-179)
Excerpt: "One day when I came home from the movie with my sister our parents seemed worried as though something terrible had happened."
Student essay: "What happened when Pearl Harbor was attacked" (ddr-densho-171-136)
Excerpt: "Blood! More blood! Was the frantic cry of the doctors when our horribly burned and mangled boys began to stream in the operating tables."
Student essay: "War" (ddr-densho-171-177)
Excerpt: "War is a contest by force bteween two or more nations or states, carried on for any purpose -- a contest which is full of hatred had has an urge to kill the ones of the opposite side."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-105)
Excerpt: "Guns are roaring, bullets whizzing, men dying like rats, so that this world would be a decent place to live."
Student essay: "Killed in Action" (ddr-densho-171-114)
Excerpt: "People only knew him as a dissipated boy whom no one would associate with, except his few degenerate friends."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-140)
Excerpt: "Were about to go over the top. Instruction are assed out to keep charging or die trying."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-142)
Excerpt: "'Dec. 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor attacked by Japs' was the news that came from the commentators throughout the nation."
Student essay: "War" (ddr-densho-171-100)
Excerpt: "What does war mean for us to do? Courage of today as for tomorrow."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-163)
Excerpt: "The family is enjoying a quiet afternoon at home. In one corner Jimmy is playing with the neighbors child, Billy."
Student essay: "Could Be...?" (ddr-densho-171-117)
Excerpt: "Why, what has become of the Niseis? I can't seem to find them in there usual 'Little Tokyos.'"
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-157)
Excerpt: "There has been considerable amount of rumors going around, and most people believe in them."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-155)
Excerpt: "If you work in the mess hall, you know how peole eat this food."
Student essay: "Reflextion" (ddr-densho-171-133)
Excerpt: "Almost midnight now, the party had been going full blast for the last two hours."
Student essay: "War" (ddr-densho-171-121)
Excerpt: "As civilizations have progressed, wars have become more and more destructive."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-151)
Excerpt: "This Idaho weather is enough to drive any Seattleite, Californian, Oregonian buggy."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-168)
Excerpt: "Some people think that war is just to have power over all nations and kill and make destruction as others."
Student essay: "Dust storms" (ddr-densho-171-154)
Excerpt: "What a nice day when all of a sudden, a dust blows right into you."
Student essay: "Is it fair to the fighting men?" (ddr-densho-171-109)
Excerpt: "Is it fair to the soldiers, sailors, and marines, who fight in blizzards, snow, hot deserts, and mud up to their knees; when miners, factory workers..."
Student essay: "Mom's Best Friend" (ddr-densho-171-160)
Excerpt: "A dog, a single species of animal have come to be man's best friend."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-126)
Excerpt: "Wish this evacuation business has separated me from my friends."
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-94)
Excerpt: "Take this quotation to your hearts not merely as words of a man fighting for a most highly and dearly cherished possession, his American citizenship..."