Literary arts
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Literary arts
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Literary works on incarceration
96 items
"Woman Prexy To Head Post Grads" (ddr-densho-280-61)
"Broadway Whims" article on Alice Johnson being elected as president of the post graduates' association.
"Rain, Johnny Corallo Help Hilltops In 4-1 Upset Over Benals" (ddr-densho-280-91)
"Broadway Whims" article on Broadway Bengals baseball team's loss to Hilltop High.
"Collins, G.L. Fields Hold Ball Tourney" (ddr-densho-280-73)
"Broadway Whims" article advertises an upcoming holiday basketball tournament.
"Kittrell Picks Forty-Six Study Hall Attendants" (ddr-densho-280-96)
"Broadway Whims" article about the try-out process to become a study hall attendant. Successful students were listed in the article.
"Garfield Visits Locals With Big Guns Tonight" (ddr-densho-280-58)
"Broadway Whims" article on upcoming basketball game between Broadway High and Garfield High.
"Smooth Pups Outpace Cat Cagers 37-24" (ddr-densho-280-88)
"Broadway Whims" article on the Broadway Bengals basketball team's loss to Garfield High.
Broadway High School Writer's Club invitation (ddr-densho-280-112)
A written invitation inviting Joe Hamanaka to become a regular member of the high school writer's club.
"Auditorium Gets New Furnishings" (ddr-densho-280-67)
"Broadway Whims" article on Broadway High School's auditorium and classroom refurbishing.
"Eagles Make Journey Here Tuesday P.M." (ddr-densho-280-92)
"Broadway Whims" article on upcoming baseball game between Broadway Bengals and Cleveland Eagles.
"Indians Make Tea For Cats At W.S. Today" (ddr-densho-280-90)
"Broadway Whims" article on the Broadway Bengals baseball team's upcoming game against the West Seattle Indians.
Beginning of baseball season article (ddr-densho-280-54)
"Broadway Whims" article on the new Broadway high school baseball team--taking a look at the old veterans and new rookie players.
"Umemura's Unbelievable 'Oofties' Unfold 'Oomph'" (ddr-densho-280-68)
"Broadway Whims" article on a trip the Broadway press took to Snohomish high school to witness the win of the basketball team.
"Tiger Sluggers Seek Second Victory Of Season Against Strong Cleveland Aggregation Tonight At Georgetown" (ddr-densho-280-108)
"Broadway Whims" article on upcoming baseball game between the Broadway Bengals and the Cleveland Eagles.
"Tiger Cagers Invade Steep Hilltop Today" (ddr-densho-280-89)
"Broadway Whims" article on the Broadway Bengals basketball team's upcoming game against the Queen Anne Grizzlies.
"Small Lunchrooms Will Better Noon Conditions" (ddr-densho-280-101)
"Broadway Whims" article on improvements being made to Broadway High's cafeteria.
"Locals Tangle 'Unknown' Eagle Hoopsters Tonight" (ddr-densho-280-83)
"Broadway Whims" article about the upcoming basketball game between the Broadway Bengals and the Cleveland Eagles.
"Snohomish High Blitzkrieged By Army Of Ravenous Whims Staff Vultures" (ddr-densho-280-80)
"Broadway Whims" article on the newspaper staff visiting Snohomish High's newspaper staff to learn from them and tour their facilities.
"Bill Lund Catches Thirteenth Prize In Prep Fish Derby" (ddr-densho-280-75)
"Broadway Whims" article on Bill Lund, who won 13th place at the Seattle Exchange Club high school salmon derby.
"Williams Beats Barret For Study Post" (ddr-densho-280-77)
"Broadway Whims" article on the election of the new study hall attendant's club at Broadway High.
"500 Rooters Will See Tigers-Teddies Mix Here" (ddr-densho-280-94)
"Broadway Whims" article on the crowds of spectators expected for an upcoming basketball game against Roosevelt High.
"Herb Robinson: Broadway's alums haven't surrendered" (ddr-densho-280-84)
Article on the debate surrounding the old Broadway High building and whether it should be completely torn down or renovated.
"Locals Prepare To Apply Brakes On Losing Streak" (ddr-densho-280-59)
"Broadway Whims" article on the Bengals baseball team breaking their losing streak.
"Journal Asks Study Facts" (ddr-densho-280-78)
"Broadway Whims" article on the unique study hall system of Broadway High and national interest in the program.
"Salmon Derby Fishermen Set For Finals Tomorrow" (ddr-densho-280-79)
"Broadway Whims" article on the upcoming Salmon Derby finals and Broadway High's participants.
"Rogers Calls For Aspiring Young Yell Team Enthusiasts" (ddr-densho-280-76)
"Broadway Whims" article advertises available positions on the Broadway High yell team.