Community activities
Japanese Americans of the pre-World War II era, urban and rural dwellers alike, lived in tight-knit communities bound together by a wide variety of shared associations and institutions. In an era marked by pronounced anti-Asian racism, Japanese Americans in cities tended to live in segregated ghettoes. While discrimination was the reason for isolated Japanese American neighborhoods, the well-organized and tight-knit community provided a rich social and cultural foundation for the Japanese immigrants and their children.
Community activities
1956 items
1956 items

She Sure Made it Look Easy (ddr-jamsj-1-148)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.

Another Angle (ddr-jamsj-1-175)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.

Man handing out award (ddr-jamsj-1-636)
The 20th Anniversary Commemoration-Installation Dinner at Hyatt House.

Prizes, Roster, and Rules for 1964 Perch Derby (ddr-jamsj-1-331)
Perch Derby at Rio Del Mar Beach

New Style-- Holding Hands! (ddr-jamsj-1-141)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.

Room shot of the 20th Anniversary party (ddr-jamsj-1-630)
The 20th Anniversary Commemoration-Installation Dinner at Hyatt House.

"Just Right," says Harry to Tsugio (ddr-jamsj-1-186)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.

Martin Checking Scores- Check Fifth in an Hour (ddr-jamsj-1-139)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.

Modeling purse (ddr-jamsj-1-455)
A women's event being held at the Ninth Annual Landscape Gardeners Convention.

Don "Moon" Kikuchi 1955-1956 (ddr-jamsj-1-214)
Don "Moon" Kikuchi was the Garden City Gardeners' Club President from 1955 to 1956.

Ryuichi Murakami, President of S.C.G.F (ddr-jamsj-1-153)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.

"Shadow Ballers" (ddr-jamsj-1-134)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.

Brainwork Still Going On (ddr-jamsj-1-172)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.

Man handing out award to Fred Suginoto (ddr-jamsj-1-642)
The 20th Anniversary Commemoration-Installation Dinner at Hyatt House.