Community activities
Japanese Americans of the pre-World War II era, urban and rural dwellers alike, lived in tight-knit communities bound together by a wide variety of shared associations and institutions. In an era marked by pronounced anti-Asian racism, Japanese Americans in cities tended to live in segregated ghettoes. While discrimination was the reason for isolated Japanese American neighborhoods, the well-organized and tight-knit community provided a rich social and cultural foundation for the Japanese immigrants and their children.
Community activities
1956 items
1956 items

Japanese American Courier Vol. 13, No. 662 (September 21, 1940) (ddr-densho-96-697)
Selected article titles: "Harbin Steps Out After Varied Way" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Sports" (p. 3), "Seattle Chapter Has Annual Show Plans Under Way" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 6, No. 273 (April 1, 1933) (ddr-densho-96-306)
Selected article titles: "Citizens' Board Plans Portland Meet, April 29" (p. 1), "Three Hoop Stars to Receive Honor Awards at Mixer" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 6, No. 281 (May 27, 1933) (ddr-densho-96-314)
Selected article titles: "Kramer Clause Protest Wired by Citizen Body" (p. 1), "Diamond Hits" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 3, No. 127 (May 21, 1930) (ddr-densho-96-157)
Selected article titles: "Special Senators Session May Act on Naval Treaty" (p. 1), "Nippons' Bunting Tactics Break Up Phinney Defense" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Prepsters to be Guests of J.S.C. at Grad Banquet" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 6, No. 303 (October 28, 1933) (ddr-densho-96-336)
Selected article titles: "Japan Leaders Open Move for 'Foreign House'" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 10, No. 515 (November 27, 1937) (ddr-densho-96-550)
Selected article titles: "American Theory of Melting Pot Held Fallacious" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 13, No. 643 (May 11, 1940) (ddr-densho-96-678)
Selected article titles: "Japan Spurs Plan for Trade Spread" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Bat Leaders" (p. 3), "Initiative Held Success Pathway for Young Folks" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 14, No. 705 (July 19, 1941) (ddr-densho-96-740)
Selected article titles: "Seattle to Join Aluminum Drive for Defense Aid" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Sports" (p. 3), "One Second Generation Objector Mars Response of Young to Call" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 4, No. 193 (September 5, 1931) (ddr-densho-96-224)
Selected article titles: "Progress Realized Since Mike Maru Arrival is Praised" (p. 1), "Fair Tennis Stars Reach Semi-Finals of Open Tourney" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 14, No. 728 (December 26, 1941) (ddr-densho-96-763)
Selected article titles: "War Course Hangs Upon Time Element" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Sports" (p. 3), "Great Outpouring of Japanese Hears Treachery Denounced" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 10, No. 512 (November 6, 1937) (ddr-densho-96-547)
Selected article titles: "Course Outlined for Race Accord by Investigator" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 3, No. 116 (March 15, 1930) (ddr-densho-96-146)
Selected article titles: "Mayor Edwards Rechosen by Big Votes' Majority" (p. 1), "Bachelors Cinch 'A' League Title in Game Tuesday" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Buds to Appear in Snappy Dance Numbers Tonight" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 5, No. 233 (ddr-densho-96-265)
Selected article titles: "Noted Japanese to Discuss Far East Problems" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 14, No. 681 (February 1, 1941) (ddr-densho-96-716)
Selected article titles: "Need Three Lines of Defend Nation" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Sports" (p. 3), "Joint Inaugural of Sound Groups Slated in March" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 6, No. 305 (November 11, 1933) (ddr-densho-96-338)
Selected article titles: "Seattle Consul Stresses Trade in U.W. Address" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 13, No. 634 (March 9, 1940) (ddr-densho-96-669)
Selected article titles: "Rich Gold Fields Found in Formosa" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Baseball" (p. 3), "Brown Goes Out of Council Race and Backs Jones" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 4, No. 194 (September 12, 1931) (ddr-densho-96-225)
Selected article titles: "Relations Getting Serious Between China and Japan" (p. 1), "Funai Will Defend Tennis Supremacy Against Kurosaka" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 6, No. 288 (July 15, 1933) (ddr-densho-96-321)
Selected article titles: "Tani Koitabashi Tells Japan of 'Little Tokios'" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 2, No. 87 (August 24, 1929) (ddr-densho-96-116)
Selected article titles: "U.S. and Britain May Call Another Arms Parley Soon" (p. 1), "Nippons Preparing to Meet Germans in Track Contest" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Cooperation Seen Among All Clubs in This Community" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 12, No. 597 (June 24, 1939) (ddr-densho-96-632)
Selected article titles: "Confab Plans Set at San Francisco" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Sumo and Dances Will Mark Local Fourth Program" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 10, No. 502 (August 28, 1937) (ddr-densho-96-537)
Selected article titles: "Nippon Grids for Contest; Real Situation is Outlines" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 14, No. 717 (October 10, 1941) (ddr-densho-96-752)
Selected article titles: "Busy Young Folks Greeting New Day" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang Overs" (p. 3), "Seattle Chapter Sets Events for Fall and Winter" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 5, No. 247 (ddr-densho-96-279)
Selected article titles: "Alameda Mayor to Initiate New J.A.C.L. Chapter" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 8, No. 382 (May 11, 1935) (ddr-densho-96-417)
Selected article titles: "Japanese Trend Affects Future of Youths Here" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)

Japanese American Courier Vol. 7, No. 331 (May 19, 1934) (ddr-densho-96-365)
Selected article titles: "Matsuoka Backs Japan's Doctrine for Asia Peace" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)