Community activities
Japanese Americans of the pre-World War II era, urban and rural dwellers alike, lived in tight-knit communities bound together by a wide variety of shared associations and institutions. In an era marked by pronounced anti-Asian racism, Japanese Americans in cities tended to live in segregated ghettoes. While discrimination was the reason for isolated Japanese American neighborhoods, the well-organized and tight-knit community provided a rich social and cultural foundation for the Japanese immigrants and their children.
Community activities
1052 items
Audience shot of the night's entertainment (ddr-jamsj-1-497)
Dinner reception for the Ninth Annual California Landscape Gardeners Convention held at Cabana Hotel.
Attendants of the 20th Anniversary (ddr-jamsj-1-623)
The 20th Anniversary Commemoration-Installation Dinner at Hyatt House.
Men shaking hands (ddr-jamsj-1-632)
The 20th Anniversary Commemoration-Installation Dinner at Hyatt House.
Band playing at convention reception (ddr-jamsj-1-480)
Dinner reception for the Ninth Annual California Landscape Gardeners Convention held at Cabana Hotel.
Henry Morita, First President Garden City Gardeners' Club 1949-1950 (ddr-jamsj-1-206)
Outside Home. President of Club 1949-1950
Lucheon (ddr-jamsj-1-195)
Seventh Annual Landscape Gardener's Convention held in Southern California.
Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-197)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …
Nisei and Issei woman in California (ddr-densho-259-53)
Caption by Yuka Yasui: "Michi with [Shidzuyo Yasui]'s friend from Okayama-ken [Okayama prefecture, Japan]."
"Gathering of Hood River Nikkei" (ddr-densho-259-33)
Group photograph of Nikkei living in Hood River, Oregon.