Reflections on the past
Reflections on the past
Related articles from the
Densho Encyclopedia :
Archaeology of the Japanese American incarceration,
Hawaii War Records Depository,
Japanese American National Museum,
Japanese American World War II military service memorials,
Literary works on incarceration,
The Managed Casualty: The Japanese-American Family in World War II (book),
Manzanar Committee,
World War II Japanese American Internment Museum
817 items
October 2008 (ddr-densho-431-25)
Article titles: "From the Director," "From the Archive: Prison within the Prison: The Tule Lake Stockade," "Densho News: Sushi & Sake Fest: Last Chance for Early Bird Tickets!," "Densho Community Meeting: A Look Back at Redress," "Densho October Poll: Japanese American Writers," "New to the Archive: Look Inside the Archive: Kazuko Uno Bill Interview," " Support …
Densho eNews, January 2009 (ddr-densho-431-28)
Article titles: "From the Director," "Densho News: Free Teacher Workshop: Teaching with Social Studies CBAs," "Saving History: Rare Redress Hearings Tapes Restored," "New to the Archive: Look Inside the Archive: Topaz Museum Interviews," "National News and Events: Tule Lake Declared a National Monument."
Manzanar presentation research binder (ddr-densho-450-1)
A binder of documents related to a presentation given by Joh Sekiguchi in 1994. Contains copies of the Inyo Museums News Bulletin, maps of Manzanar, and other research.
Former camp inmate next to a barbed wire fence (ddr-densho-62-2)
Edith Watanabe at site of the former Tule Lake concentration camp, California.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 20 (November 14,1969) (ddr-pc-41-46)
Select article titles: "Individual rights on expression spelled" (p. 1); "Arkansas to dedicate Rohwer WRA cemetery-war memorial" (p.1); "Ethnic language courses offered at Berkeley Hi; Nihongo oversubscribed" (p. 2); "Challenge of Issei Centennial cited" (p. 3); "Hear Black community views on achievement of Japanese Americans" (p. 6).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 21 (November 21,1969) (ddr-pc-41-47)
Select article titles: "JACL favors reversion of Okinawa to Japan by 1972" (p. 1); "Rohwer Memorial: Go for Broke!" (p.1); "JACL Statement on Reversion of Okinawa" (p. 3); "Seattle's first ethnic studies on Asian American taught at Jr. high" (p. 4); "Junior High School Poll: Views on Asian Americans" (p. 4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol 68, No. 5 (January 31, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-5)
Select article titles: "Japan at tricky state of political evolution" (p. 1); "L.A. human rights group pushing for ISA Title II repeal" (p. 1); "Twin Cities To Conduct Class In Afro-American History" (p. 3); "Relevance of Japanese American Evacuation of 1942 to moral issues of today discussed over Berkeley radio" (p. 3); "Segregation in Deep South …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 16 (October 17,1969) (ddr-pc-41-42)
Select article titles: "New guidelines for morality prepared" (p. 1); "'Evacuation': Vivid Memories" (p. 1); "It's legal under 'Title II': No warning, no trial, and you're in jail" (p. 1); "Wartime loyalty of Issei, Nisei reiterated in dramatic TV series" (p. 3); "Japanese in Chicago called 'quiet minority'" (p. 6).
Pacific Citizen, Vol 68, No. 2 (January 10, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-2)
Select article titles: "Hayakawa means to keep campus open, warning signs up" (p. 1); "PC columnists T. Murayama dies aboard ship" (p. 1); "Wakamatsu Colony centennial celebration at Coloma Jan. 26" (p. 1); "Issue of Detention camps in a Democracy" (p. 3); "JACL meets with SFSC people" (p. 4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 63, No. 22 (November 25, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-47)
Select article titles: "'America's Concentration Camps' nearly published" (p.1); "Virginia Attorney General defends anti-miscegenation" (p. 1); "Crime wave increasing when can it be curbed?" (p.1).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 63, No. 20 (November 11, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-45)
Select article titles: "SJR 20 wins in close race" (p. 1); "Coordinator of House tribute to Nisei veterans to be guest at MIS reunion" (p. 1); "Retired Chief Justice Gibson labels Evacuation as black page in history" (p. 2); "New Yorker article on Evacuation cited" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 12 (March 25, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-12)
Select article titles: "2 documentary books on Evacuation nearly finished" (p. 1); "More Issei to be interviewed in Los Angeles" (p. 1); "Canadian Nisei student surprises university by filing for post of chancellor against fishing industry leader" (p. 3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 63, No. 26 (December 23-30, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-51)
Select article titles: "Why leadership of Japanese community at time of Evacuation fell upon JACL" (p. A1); "Order of Evacuation Brings on One of America's Greatest Swindles" (p. A3); "The Closing of Manzanar" (p. B1); "Worthy Partners for Building Peace" (p. Supplement 1); "Immigration, Evacuation Claims, Civil Rights" (p. B17).
The holiday issue included advertisements bought …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 22 (May 29, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-22)
Selected article titles: "Treaty Merchants Charge State Bias against Students" (p.1), "Honolulu Realtors Support Civl Rights Bill Objectives" (p.1), "Negro Equality Fight Likened to Problem Once Facing Nise" (p.1-2), "Supreme Court Tells Prince Edward Cty. to Reopen Schools" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 15 (April 10, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-15)
Selected article titles: "Lawyers' Views on Internment Draw Protest" (p.1), "Carnegie Endows $100,000 for Japanese History Project" (p.1-2), "D.C. JACL Supports Reappointment of Incumbents on human relations group" (p.1), "Civil Rights Quorum Problem" (p.2), "Cal. FEPC Orders Landlord to Rent to Negroes" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 17 (October 23, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-43)
Selected article titles: "'No' Votes Gaining in Prop. 14 Polls" (p.1), "U.S. Supreme Court Asked to Rule on Mixed Marriages in Florida Case" (p.1, 4), "San Francisco Chinese and Japanese Americans Tell of Housing Discrimination before State Senate Subcommittee" (p.1, 4), "Salt Lake Group for Nihonmachi Formed" (p.1), "Yamasaki Commissioned to Plan $100-Million California 'City'" (p.3), …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 24 (June 12, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-24)
Selected article titles: "Historic Senate Action to Gag Civil Rights Bill Depate Hailed" (p.1), "John Thomas, Baptist Minister Who Aided Evacuees, to Be Cited" (p.1-2), "Survey vs. Oral History" (p.1, 3), "Cal. High Court Rules to Keep Initiative 'On'" (p.3), "Moses Lake High Completes Its First Year Japanese Class on Regular Curriculum, Cited by National JACL" …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 13 (September 25, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-39)
Selected article titles: "Oriental Forces for 'No on 14' Plan Dinner with Gov. Brown" (p.1), "History Project Calls for Interviewers in Los Angeles County" (p.1), "Reapportionment Fight" (p.2), "Constitutional Line Drawn where Public Accommodations Rule of Civil Rights Act Doesn't Extend in Appellate Decision" (p.3), "Salt Lake Plans Survey for Home for Issei" (p.4).