876 items
Letter to Henrietta Schoen from Kamematsu Kimoto (ddr-densho-223-75)
Letter talking about moving the Rowher and being reunited with family.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 53, No. 17 (October 27, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-43)
Selected article titles: "Canada Leader Defends Wartime Nisei Evacuation" (p. 1), "National Park Status for Rohwer Asked" (p. 1), "Washington Newsletter: Freedom in Employment" (p. 1), and "Issei Story Project: Who, What, Why, How?" (p. 4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 52, No. 19 (May 12, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-19)
Selected article titles: "'Issei Story' One of the Most Important Tasks: Wakamatsu" (p. 1), "Evacuee Groups Resettled in Chicago, Los Angeles Seek Gov't Aid to Remove Japanese Graves from Rowher; Others Disagree" (pp. 1, 3), and "3 Waves of Issei Settled in Omaha: 1st Came as Strikebreakers, 2nd as Businessmen, and 3rd as Evacuees from West …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 52, No. 21 (May 26, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-21)
Selected article titles: "Washington Newsletter: Shame of Our Nation" (p. 1), "Rowher WRA Cemetery May Become Nat'l Shrine Maintained by Nat'l Park Service" (p. 1), "Prejudice and Hawaiian Dialect" (p. 2), and "Nisei Psychologist Granted $62,000 to Study Rise of Japanese American Delinquency" (p. 3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 52, No. 25 (June 23, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-25)
Selected article titles: "U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Six Cases of Interest to Nisei" (p. 1), "'Command Decision': Evacuation, Part 4" (p. 1), "Nisei Rasslers Making Big Hit in Japan, Great Togo and Toshi Togo Attracting Fans" (p. 2), and "Nebraska Anti-Miscegenation Law Bothers Omaha JACL, Seek Repeal" (p. 3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 53, No. 15 (October 13, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-41)
Selected article titles: "Washington Newsletter: Freedom in Housing" (p. 1), "National Campaign to Rid Anti-Nisei Films from TV Opens for Third Time" (p. 1), "Weigh Problems of Youth, Aged Issei" (pp. 1-2), and "U.S. Civil Rights Commission Issues 'Let's Face the Facts' Type Report" (pp. 1-2).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 53, No. 16 (October 20, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-42)
Selected article titles: "Rowher Cemetery Dedicated as Arkansas Historical Site Sunday" (pp. 1-2), "Nisei-Negro Pair Go on Mission for White House" (p. 1), "U.S. Civil Rights Report Indicates Negro in California Hit Hardest in Housing Bias" (p. 2), and "Nisei Family Included in Move from N.Y. to Chico to Avoid Threat from Atomic Bombs" (p. 2).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 74, No. 8 (March 3, 1972) (ddr-pc-44-8)
Selected article titles: "Patsy Tells Seattle Nisei Why She's Running for U.S. President" (p.1, 6), "University Becoming a Modern Dinosaur" (p.3), "Canada's Version of Evacuation" (p.3), "Backlash Seen in Editorials Evoked by 'Exec. Order 9066' Book-Photo Display" (p.6).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 76, No. 25, (June 29, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-25)
Select article titles: "Pan-Asian Resolution Draws Heat" (p.1); "Nat'l JACL Votes to Continue Project to Aid Aged, Funding Guidelines Set" (p.1); "Asian Law Caucus Refuses JACL Offer of $2,500 Service Contract" (p.3); "S.I. Hayakawa Rips State Court Ruling on Demonstrators" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2063 (October 5, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-39)
Selected article titles: "Over 110 Co-Author House Version of S 1647 Bill" (p. 1), "Nippon Corporate Investment Sought to Rebuild South Bronx" (pp. 1,3), "From the Frying Pan: Scholars from Japan Snap Stereotype" (p. 5), and "From the Midwest: Whither JACL" (p. 6).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2074 (December 21-28, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-50)
Special holiday issue. Selected article titles: "School Teacher Recalls Minidoka" (p. 26), "In Defense of JACL's Founding Membership Principle: Citizenship" (pp. 47-48), "Nikkei Impressions of Nikkei America After a Long Absence" (pp. 49, 92), and "Growing up in Postwar Japan" (pp. 54, 94).
The holiday issue included advertisements bought by JACL members and chapters that included …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 17 (April 30, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-17)
Selected article titles: "Rose Ochi's Community and Legal Forte Highlights Her Bid for Congress" (pp. 1, 3), "Letterbox: Tough Questions on U.S.-Japan Affairs Face Nat'l JACL" (pp. 4, 7), "From the Frying Pan: Rohwer Camp Memorial, Et Al" (p. 5), and "Musubi: Redress (?) for 'What Might Have Been'" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 25 (June 25, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-25)
Selected article titles: "Vietnamese Internment in Sac'to Suggested" (pp. 1, 8), "Rohwer Monument Dedicated in a Memorial Day Service" (pp. 1-2), "Bitter Memories Recalled at Tule Lake Pilgrimage" (p. 2), "Inouye Offers Nuclear Plan to Avoid a Holocaust" (p. 2), and "The Hattiesburg Story: One Vet of Famed 442nd RCT Lives Near Shelby" (p. 9).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 16 (April 23, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-16)
Selected article titles: "Noguchi to Fight Demotion by Board" (pp. 1, 5), "Anti-Japanese Resentment in U.S. Growing" (pp. 1, 4), "Redress Phase 4: 40-Year Wait" (p. 2), and "From the Frying Pan: Heart Mountain Reunion: A Warm Occasion" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 88, No. 2034 (March 16, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-10)
Selected article titles: "United Way Help Sought for Asians in L.A." (p. 1), "Japan America Societies Form Nat'l Assn." (pp. 1, 3), "Only West Coast Public Official to Condemn Evacuation Proposal" (p. 3), and "Rohwer Revisited, Locals Wonder Why" (p. 8).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 115, No. 3 (July 31-August 7, 1992) (ddr-pc-64-28)
Select article titles: "Senate committee refuses to move on redress bill" (p. 1); "Rohwer Center is designated national historic landmark" (p. 1); "New long distance service offered to JACL members" (p. 1).