887 items
First Rohwer Reunion Committee (ddr-csujad-1-49)
Questionnaire with a return-envelope for the Rohwer Research Project, a study of the Nisei experience and their families in camp and afterwards conducted by Charles Choy Wong, Project Director of Rohwer Research Project, Asian American Studies Center UCLA. Also includes the event schedule and dinner table seating chart for the first Rohwer Reunion. See this object …
Tule Lake Cooperator, Vol. 3, No. 42 (January 22, 1944) (ddr-densho-289-8)
Selected article titles: "Effects of 'Destroy the Status Quo' Policy Upon Co-op?" (p. 1), "News from Rohwer" (p. 1 ), and "Laundry Soap Arrives" (p. 2).
Letter sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-214)
Request for Wakanoura medicine.
Letter sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-217)
Request for cod liver oil and vitamin B.
Letter sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-223)
Correspondence regarding a sake order.
Letter sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-212)
Request for children's aspirin.
Letter sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-215)
Request for catalog of Japanese medicine.
Letter sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-366)
Request for powdered mustard.
Letter sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-221)
Request for Chinese herbs.
Letter and clippings sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-219)
Request for Athlete's Foot medication and Ru-Ex Compound for rheumatic arthritis.
Letter sent to T.K. Pharmacy from Rohwer concentration camp (ddr-densho-319-218)
Request for children's aspirin.
Envelope sent to TK Pharmacy (ddr-densho-319-209)
The letter that goes with this envelope is missing.
Reveille Volume 1, Number 3 (ddr-densho-390-135)
The third issue of the Reveille includes articles about upcoming events, updates on new buildings, a short story, scouting in other camps, sports, a salute to Tom Sasaki, and more.
Vine-covered barrack (ddr-densho-37-537)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Vines hide the tar paper on this Rohwer residence.
Camp high school brass band (ddr-densho-37-533)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. A part of the brass section of the High School Band, at the Rohwer Center. The students learning to play instruments for the band are former Californians, who, with their parents, were evacuated from stratiegic west coast areas.
High school class (ddr-densho-37-538)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Miss Opal Albright, teacher. Study hall. A converted mess-hall High School.
Japanese American dragline operator (ddr-densho-37-530)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Larry Sato, a former southern California dragline operator, back at his old trade on a dragline at the Rohwer Relocation Center. The task of maintaining the center and its facilities, and distribution of fuel, food supplies, etc., is carried on by workers recruited from center residents, former west …
Japanese American spinning thread (ddr-densho-37-529)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. There is provision for weaving and spinning at Rohwer Relocation Center. This man has grown his own cotton on a little plot by his barrack. Here he is spinning it into thread preparatory to weaving it.
Japanese Americans clearing land (ddr-densho-37-832)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Farm workers felling a big Arkansas Red Oak, in the process of clearing reclaimed Arkansas Iand for agricultural purposes. Workers, for this and other center farm activities, are recruited from residents, former west coast persons of Japanese ancestry.