
Concentration Camp

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3176 items
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-168)
doc Student essay (ddr-densho-171-168)
Excerpt: "Some people think that war is just to have power over all nations and kill and make destruction as others."
Student essay:
doc Student essay: "Dust storms" (ddr-densho-171-154)
Excerpt: "What a nice day when all of a sudden, a dust blows right into you."
Student essay:
doc Student essay: "Is it fair to the fighting men?" (ddr-densho-171-109)
Excerpt: "Is it fair to the soldiers, sailors, and marines, who fight in blizzards, snow, hot deserts, and mud up to their knees; when miners, factory workers..."
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-80)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-80)
Excerpt: "We have been deluged with clerical help in the office and there have been 25 prisoners of war loading freight since Tuesday." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-57)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-57)
Excerpt: "This week has been like winter and today has been raining so we snuggled indoors and have played Chinese checkers all afternoon." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Student essay:
doc Student essay: "Mom's Best Friend" (ddr-densho-171-160)
Excerpt: "A dog, a single species of animal have come to be man's best friend."
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-73)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-73)
Excerpt: "Summer seems officially here today. The past week has been very cold with the most persistent high wind I've seen." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-126)
doc Student essay (ddr-densho-171-126)
Excerpt: "Wish this evacuation business has separated me from my friends."
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-55)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-55)
Excerpt: "This has been my annual 'hell week' so there isn't a lot to write about." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Student essay (ddr-densho-171-94)
doc Student essay (ddr-densho-171-94)
Excerpt: "Take this quotation to your hearts not merely as words of a man fighting for a most highly and dearly cherished possession, his American citizenship..."
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-35)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-35)
Excerpt: "It seems the excitement has been going all week." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-3)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-3)
Excerpt: "It has been a full week and last Monday seems years ago. Dr. Hanna came that day." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Student essay:
doc Student essay: "WAR" (ddr-densho-171-172)
Excerpt: "War would have a different meaning to everyone."
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-21)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-21)
Excerpt: "Wednesday night was Episcopal choir." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Student essay:
doc Student essay: "What I think of War" (ddr-densho-171-110)
Excerpt: "I don't think there is any future in having wars."
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-71)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-71)
Excerpt: "This past week I've been doing things between sneezes. My hay fever (sheep grass?) has hit me harder this year than before." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Student essay:
doc Student essay: "Freedom" (ddr-densho-171-132)
Excerpt: "Within the waters of the seven seas and on many distant land wanders forever the souls of brave men."
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-5)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-5)
Excerpt: "Daddy's letter mailed the 19th finally arrived today. He sounds as though he were really making his mark!" Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Text of high school speech (ddr-densho-171-129)
doc Text of high school speech (ddr-densho-171-129)
Excerpt: "Many people will say that the solutions that we have discussed are idealogical, that they are impractical, and that they are hopeless."
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-22)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-22)
Excerpt: "Sunday I slept most of the time I wasn't churching or eating or finishing my grades to give out yesterday." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-78)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-78)
Excerpt: "I feel positively luxurious now that we have both hour lunch periods and Saturday afternoons every Saturday." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Student essay:
doc Student essay: "War" (ddr-densho-171-181)
Excerpt: "While I scanned through the dictionary my eyes lighted on the word 'war.'"
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-63)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-63)
Excerpt: "If I thought I was busy at any time during the last two years, it was a mild form of self-indulgence!" Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.
Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-30)
doc Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-30)
Excerpt: "Last week was the first of harvest vacation and a welcome quiet spell." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.