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Salinas Village Crier No. 1 (May 11, 1942) (ddr-densho-195-1)
Selected article titles: "The Editor's Cuff Notes" (p. 1), "W.C.C.A. Camp Directory" (p. 1), "Information Bureau" (p. 1), "Recreational Dept. Organized" (p. 1).

Salinas Village Crier No. 7 (June 20, 1942) (ddr-densho-195-7)
Selected article titles: "Watsonville Seniors Received Diplomas at Special Commencement Exercises Friday" (p. 1), "Art Exhibit Held Over" (p. 2), "Firemen Have Housewarming 'Smoker'" (p. 3).

Salinas Village Crier No. 5 (June 6, 1942) (ddr-densho-195-5)
Selected article titles: "Graduation Plans for Salinas Seniors" (p. 1), "Reception Hall Facilities Completed" (p. 1), "Typhoid Delinquents, Please Note" (p. 1), "Center Store -- A Popular Rendezvous" (p. 2), "Intra-Center Post Office Functioning" (p. 2).

Salinas Village Crier No. 6 (June 13, 1942) (ddr-densho-195-6)
Selected article titles: "Salinas Seniors Receive Diplomas in Impressive Ceremonies Held Monday Afternoon" (p. 1), "Painting to be Presented to School" (p. 1), "Nursery Class Enrollment Increased" (p. 2), "Relocation Plans Being Made" (p. 3), "Craft Workshop Unearths Talents" (p. 3).

Salinas Village Crier No. 3 (May 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-195-3)
Selected article titles: "Officially Speaking..." (p. 1), "Singers for Chorus and Glee Club" (p. 1), "Magazines Donated by Students" (p. 1), "Buddhist Group Meets" (p. 1).

Salinas Village Crier No. 2 (May 19, 1942) (ddr-densho-195-2)
Selected article titles: "Singspiration to be a Weekly Event" (p. 1), "'Civic Center' Being Beautified" (p. 1), "Correspondence Courses Available" (p. 1), "Fire Chief Urges Precaution" (p. 2).

Salinas Village Crier No. 4 (May 30, 1942) (ddr-densho-195-4)
Selected article titles: "Center Council Functioning Actively" (p. 1), "C.E. to Discuss Problems of Youth" (p. 2), "Nursery School Arrangements Completed" (p. 2), "Center Library to Open Soon" (p. 3).

Salinas Village Crier No. 8 (June 28, 1942) (ddr-densho-195-8)
Selected article titles: "'Hello, Arizona!' (So Long, California)" (p. 1), "Photographers Film Center Activities" (p. 2), "Guards Hold Steak Feast" (p. 2), "On to Arizona Dances, Parties Continue" (p. 2), "An Open Letter to the Various Divisions of the Center" (p. 3).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 6 (August 5, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-30)
Selected article titles: "Pro-Minority Text Dropped from OK List" (p.1, 3), "Bakke Case Jeopardizes Civil Rights Won Since 1940s, Rep. Chisholm Tells JACL" (p.1, 3), "Internment Credit Bill Hearing Set" (p.2), "Assembly Centers to Be Historical Site" (p.2), "Fresno Senior Citizens Express Needs in Survey" (p.3), "Nisei in Japan: Japanese and Nikkei Influences" (p.8).

Hana Tada leading a group of Japanese Americans in singing "God Bless America" at a service in 1984 (ddr-csujad-52-36)
Caption above image reads, "GOD BLESS AMERICA--Hana Tada, 93, (center) leads group of Japanese-Americans in singing 'God Bless America' at a service here 2/19 commemorating the internment of them & 3,600 other Japanese-Americans in camps here during WWII. Tada & her group do not speak English, saying they were too busy making livings as farmers to …

Marion Masada interview (ddr-csujad-6-19)
Oral history interview with Marion Masada. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: SCRC_MASADA_MARION

Toshiye Hirose interview (ddr-csujad-6-7)
Oral history interview with Toshiye Hirose. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: SCRC_HIROSE_TOSHIYE

Anne Moore interview (ddr-csujad-6-23)
Oral history interview with Anne Moore. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: SCRC_MOORE_ANNE

Barracks interior (ddr-densho-37-578)
Original WRA caption: Salinas Assembly Center, Salinas, California. Evacuees of Japanese descent enjoy a moment of relaxation before setting up housekeeping at this assembly center. They will be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.

Assembly of baggage (ddr-densho-37-581)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Baggage is being assembled to be taken by truck to the Salinas Assembly center where evacuees from this area will await transfer to a War Relocation Authority center.

Mass removal (ddr-densho-37-585)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancesty wait for the bus which will take them to the Salinas Assembly center. They will later be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.

Japanese Americans moving luggage (ddr-densho-37-386)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. These evacuees, having identified their belongings which were brought to this Assembly Center by truck, are not taking it to their barrack homes. Later, when housing is available, they will be moved to a War Relocation Authority center.

Assembly center check-in (ddr-densho-37-584)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Seated in family groups, evacuees of Japanese ancestry check in at Armory before moving into the Salinas Assembly Center. They will later be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.

View of Salinas Assembly Center (ddr-densho-37-577)
Original WRA caption: Salinas Assembly center, California. Panorama of Salinas Assembly center. Persons of Japanese ancestry, evacuated from coastal areas were held first in assembly centers before being transferred to relocation centers further inland.

Japanese American inside barracks (ddr-densho-37-485)
Original WRA caption: Salinas Assembly Center, Salinas, California. Barracks interior at assembly center where persons of Japanese ancestry lived temporarily after evacuation from the west coast in the spring of 1942.

Salinas Assembly Center (ddr-densho-37-576)
Original WRA caption: Salinas Assembly Center, California. Panorama of Salinas Assembly center. Persons of Japanese ancestry evacuated from coastal areas were held first in assembly centers before being assigned to relocation centers further inland.

Japanese Americans with luggage (ddr-densho-37-580)
Original WRA caption: Salinas Assembly center, Salinas, California. Persons of Japanese ancestry are shown with their luggage, shortly after arrival at this Assembly center. Later on, when housing is available, they will be transferred to a War Relocation Authority center.

Japanese American baggage (ddr-densho-37-586)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Baggage belonging to evacuees of Japanese ancestry has been brought to the park in the center of town ready to be trucked to the Salinas Assembly center where evacuees from this district will await transfer to a War Relocation Authority center to spend the duration.

Japanese Americans out on a walk (ddr-densho-37-582)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Evacuee girls out for a stroll at the Salinas Assembly center.

Japanese American amidst piles of luggage (ddr-densho-37-387)
Original WRA caption: Salinas Assembly Center, Salinas, California. A young evacuee of Japanese ancestry at this assembly center prior to transfer to a War Relocation Authority Center.
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