
Temporary Assembly Center

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263 items
Japanese American in front of barracks home (ddr-densho-151-47)
img Japanese American in front of barracks home (ddr-densho-151-47)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, Calfiornia. This assembly center has been opened for two days. Busload after busload of evacuated Japanese are arriving this day. After going through the necessary procedures, they are guided to the quarters assigned to them in the barracks. This family newly arrived, are in the process of settling down. The old …
Japanese American nurse in medical clinic (ddr-densho-151-351)
img Japanese American nurse in medical clinic (ddr-densho-151-351)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. An evacuee nurse of Japanese ancestry tidying up after a busy morning in the medical clinic at this assembly center.
Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-159)
img Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-159)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Families of Japanese ancestry arrive at assembly center at Tanforan Race Track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.
Assembly center gate (ddr-densho-151-56)
img Assembly center gate (ddr-densho-151-56)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. A sign at the main entrance of the Tanforan Assembly center, through which all traffic passes. The gate is guarded and controlled by United States soldiers.
New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-24)
img New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-24)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Family of Japanese ancestry arrives at assembly center at Tanforan Race Track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.
Mess hall (ddr-densho-151-358)
img Mess hall (ddr-densho-151-358)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. One of eighteen mess halls plastered with all manner of locally devised posters advertising the qualifications of the various candidates for office in the forthcoming election. Three candidates have been nominated in each of the five precincts from which one from each precinct will be elected a member of the Advisory …
Elderly Japanese Americans waiting on bench (ddr-densho-151-231)
img Elderly Japanese Americans waiting on bench (ddr-densho-151-231)
Original caption: San Bruno, Caliofnira. These older evacuees of Japanese ancestry have just been registered and are resting before being assigned to their living quarters in the barracks. The large tag worn by the woman on the right indicates special consideration for aged or infirm.
Bedding and clothing in front of barracks (ddr-densho-151-456)
img Bedding and clothing in front of barracks (ddr-densho-151-456)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. This assembly center has been open for two days. Bus- load after bus-load of evacuated Japanese are arriving today. After going through the necessary procedure, they are guided to the quarters assigned to them in the barracks. This family had just arrived. Their bedding and clothing have been delivered by truck …
Assembly center new arrivals (ddr-densho-151-58)
img Assembly center new arrivals (ddr-densho-151-58)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Families of Japanese ancestry arrive at assembly center at Tanforan Race Track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.
Camp garden (ddr-densho-151-463)
img Camp garden (ddr-densho-151-463)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Close-up of barrack home with the carefully planned flower garden in foreground.
New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-22)
img New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-22)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Evacuees of Japaneses ancestry arriving at the Tanforan Assembly center. They are being checked as they leave the bus.
Election poster (ddr-densho-151-21)
img Election poster (ddr-densho-151-21)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Buildings of the Tanforan Center are plastered at this time with all manner of locally devised posters incident to the election of five each of the five precincts.
Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-160)
img Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-160)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Family of Japanese ancestry arrives at assembly center at Tanforan Race Track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.
Japanese Americans playing basketball (ddr-densho-151-464)
img Japanese Americans playing basketball (ddr-densho-151-464)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Evacuee boys in the foreground are playing basket-ball. This is one of eight recreation centers which are distributed about the assembly center. One of the barrack buildings is, in each case, set apart for games and recreation under the Recreation program administered by a Wartime Civil Control Administration official with college …
Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-347)
img Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-347)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. "Supper time" Meal times are the big events of the day at assembly centers. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift at 5:45 pm. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in bags to protect them from the dust. They, themselves, individually wash their own …
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-336)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-336)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. A close-up of the exterior of a family unit. These barracks were formerly horse-stalls. Each family is assigned two small rooms. The interior one has neither outside door nor window.
Japanese Americans entering mess hall (ddr-densho-151-359)
img Japanese Americans entering mess hall (ddr-densho-151-359)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Supper time: Meal times are the big events of the day at the assembly centers. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift at 5:45 pm. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in bags to protect them from the dust. They themselves, wash their own …
Issei man arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-157)
img Issei man arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-157)
Original caption: San Bruno, Calfiornia. Evacuee of Japanese ancestry arrives at this Assembly center where he and approximately 8,000 others will remain until transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-230)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-230)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Barracks for family living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms. The center was opened just two days before this picture was taken. The people shown in this photograph have just arrived and are occupying themselves with building benches, chairs, tables, and shelves, for their belonging, …
Japanese American family arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-154)
img Japanese American family arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-154)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Family of Japanese ancestry arrives at assembly center at Tanforan Race track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.
Japanese Americans waiting in line to vote (ddr-densho-151-349)
img Japanese Americans waiting in line to vote (ddr-densho-151-349)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Entering Recreational Hall where election is being held for Councilmen. A general election for five members of the Tanforan Assembly center Advisory Council is being held on this day. The Issei have never been able to vote before because of American naturalization laws.
Japanese American inside barracks (ddr-densho-151-50)
img Japanese American inside barracks (ddr-densho-151-50)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. A close-up of an entrance of a family apartment. Note that the windows in this unit have been enlarged. Five people occupy two small rooms, the inner one of which is without outside door or windows.
Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-162)
img Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-162)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry have just arrived at this Assembly center. They have been registered and are now awaiting a guide to show them to their place in the barracks. Later they will be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers.
Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-348)
img Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-348)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Supper time: Meal times are the big events of the day at assembly centers. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift at 5:45 pm. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in bags to protect them from the dust. They, themselves, individually wash their own …
Japanese American next to barracks (ddr-densho-151-352)
img Japanese American next to barracks (ddr-densho-151-352)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Many evacuees suffer from lack of their accustomed activity. The attitude of the man shown in this photograph is typical of the residents in assembly centers, and because there is not much to do and not enough work available, they mill around, they visit, they stroll and they linger to while …