Tule Lake

Concentration Camp

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2569 items
Hoshidan members leaving Tule Lake (ddr-densho-37-187)
img Hoshidan members leaving Tule Lake (ddr-densho-37-187)
Original WRA caption: Size of well-wishers diminished as the number of pro-Japan sympathizers sent to internment grew. Although 400 when leaving June 24, 1945, when this picture was taken, the send-off crowd was not nearly up-to-par.
Barracks construction (ddr-densho-37-257)
img Barracks construction (ddr-densho-37-257)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Building first house at Tule Lake War Relocation Authority center.
Confiscated weapons (ddr-densho-37-98)
img Confiscated weapons (ddr-densho-37-98)
According to the WRA, the items shown were considered concealed weapons and were confiscated.
Japanese Americans making tofu (ddr-densho-37-156)
img Japanese Americans making tofu (ddr-densho-37-156)
Original WRA caption: The cooked beans are poured into a fine-meshed sack and water is added. Squeezing the sack the fiberous substance is held back and the rest of the precipitate is squeezed into a barrel. Into this strained mash or curd, brine is added to cause it to precipitate. This factory is operated by the …
Japanese American making boxes (ddr-densho-37-274)
img Japanese American making boxes (ddr-densho-37-274)
Original WRA caption: Evacuee, with lumber furnished by WRA, makes boxes for shipment of personal effects.
Raising cucumbers (ddr-densho-37-161)
img Raising cucumbers (ddr-densho-37-161)
Chemicals were used to grow the cucumbers shown here.
Japanese American departure from camp (ddr-densho-37-123)
img Japanese American departure from camp (ddr-densho-37-123)
Original WRA caption: Going through the last fences and gate of the Tule Lake [internment camp].
Japanese American carpenter building furniture (ddr-densho-37-358)
img Japanese American carpenter building furniture (ddr-densho-37-358)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Shinkichi Kiyono, 56, carpenter-evacuee from Longview, Washington, is shown using a carpenter's plane which he won as first prize in a furniture contest conducted among the evacuees of Japanese descent at this War Relocation Authority center.
Segregants' departure from camp (ddr-densho-37-195)
img Segregants' departure from camp (ddr-densho-37-195)
Original WRA caption: Another defiant "enemy alien" sent to Santa Fe Internment Camp June 24, 1945, refuses to leave jail and stockade and is escorted by patrolmen (border).
Japanese Americans unloading coal (ddr-densho-37-348)
img Japanese Americans unloading coal (ddr-densho-37-348)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Evacuee workers unload coal at Staley Junction, which is the rail head for this center. This coal is used by the residents during the extreamely [sic] cold winters which northern California offers.
Camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-293)
img Camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-293)
Original WRA caption: People from the Manzanar Relocation Center were moved to the Tule Lake Segregation Center and quartered in the ten blocks which had been built as an addition at Tule Lake. They arrived in four special trains and were taken directly from the railroad to their new homes. A total of 1876 people came …
Japanese Americans distributing scrap lumber (ddr-densho-37-360)
img Japanese Americans distributing scrap lumber (ddr-densho-37-360)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Evacuees distribute scrap lumber to each block. This scrap will be used by the residents to construct furniture for their apartments and also for firewood.
Grade school children (ddr-densho-37-377)
img Grade school children (ddr-densho-37-377)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Recess in grade school.
Japanese Americans harvesting potatoes (ddr-densho-37-88)
img Japanese Americans harvesting potatoes (ddr-densho-37-88)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Evacuee farmers at this relocation center filling sacks with newly dug potatoes.
Segregants preparing to leave camp (ddr-densho-37-185)
img Segregants preparing to leave camp (ddr-densho-37-185)
Original WRA caption: The "400" march in small groups from Gate 1 to the stockade for processing before entraining for Santa Fe Internment Camp.
Japanese American departure from camp (ddr-densho-37-124)
img Japanese American departure from camp (ddr-densho-37-124)
Original WRA caption: Bye bye Tule Lake! Be it vanished with all the horrible memories and be it forgotten as a dream of the short summer nite!
Japanese Americans climbing Castle Rock (ddr-densho-37-178)
img Japanese Americans climbing Castle Rock (ddr-densho-37-178)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. A pleasant Sunday afternoon's recreation is spent by evacuee winter sports enthusiasts, on the slopes of Castle Mountain. Homemade sleds and various other homemade pieces of equipment were used by these young people.
Japanese American blacksmiths (ddr-densho-37-175)
img Japanese American blacksmiths (ddr-densho-37-175)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Evacuee blacksmiths do all the blacksmith work necessary in the garage at this relocation center.