Detail for specified facet term
`facet_id`: "topics", "facility", "format", "genre", or "rights".
`term_id`: A term ID from one of the following lists:
- http://partner.densho.org/vocab/api/0.2/topics.json
- http://partner.densho.org/vocab/api/0.2/facility.json
- http://partner.densho.org/vocab/api/0.2/format.json
- http://partner.densho.org/vocab/api/0.2/genre.json
- http://partner.densho.org/vocab/api/0.2/rights.json
GET /api/0.2/facet/topics/218/
https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/facet/topics/218/", "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/browse/topics/218/", "parent": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/facet/topics/114/", "ancestors": [ "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/facet/topics/110/", "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/facet/topics/392/", "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/facet/topics/114/" ], "siblings": [ "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/facet/topics/217/" ], "objects": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/facet/topics/218/objects/" }, "title": "Washington, D.C. hearings", "description": "Hearings were held by the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) in Washington, D.C., in July of 1981. These hearings were conducted in 20 cities across the nation, and in 1982 the CWRIC issued its report 'Personal Justice Denied.' Ultimately, the CWRIC recommended, among other things, $20,000 individual compensation to those incarcerated and a formal government apology.", "path": "Redress and reparations -- Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) -- Hearings -- Washington, D.C. hearings", "ancestors": [ 110, 392, 114 ], "siblings": [ 217 ], "breadcrumbs": [] }{ "id": "topics-218", "model": "ddrfacetterm", "facet": "topics", "term_id": 218, "links": { "json": "