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GET /api/0.2/ddr-manz-9/
https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-manz-9/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-manz-9/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-manz-9/ddr-manz-9-3-mezzanine-e928bd1cee-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-manz-9/ddr-manz-9-3-mezzanine-e928bd1cee-a.jpg", "parent": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-manz/", "children": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-manz-9/children/" }, "parent_id": "ddr-manz", "organization_id": "ddr-manz", "signature_id": "ddr-manz-9-3-mezzanine-e928bd1cee", "title": "Rose Honda Collection", "description": "The Rose Honda Collection is comprised of photographs and documents from the Manzanar concentration camp, California, during World War II. Materials include a photograph of a funeral in camp, Christian church publications, ephemera such as school performance programs, and documents regarding requests to leave camp.", "breadcrumbs": [ { "id": "ddr-manz-9", "model": "collection", "idpart": "cid", "label": "9", "api_url": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-manz-9/", "url": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-manz-9/" } ], "_fields": [ "id", "record_created", "record_lastmod", "status", "public", "title", "unitdateinclusive", "unitdatebulk", "creators", "extent", "language", "contributor", "description", "physloc", "rights", "accessrestrict", "userrestrict", "prefercite", "bioghist", "scopecontent", "relatedmaterial", "separatedmaterial", "signature_id" ], "record_created": "2017-08-08T12:32:21", "record_lastmod": "2017-09-27T11:00:17", "status": "completed", "public": "1", "unitdateinclusive": "1942-1945", "unitdatebulk": "1942-1945", "contributor": "Manzanar National Historic Site", "physloc": "Manzanar National Historic Site, Independence, California", "acqinfo": "Densho is hosting this collection per an agreement with the Manzanar National Historic Site. Contact is Alisa Lynch ([email protected]).", "processinfo": "Digital files and metadata were sent to Densho and input by Caitlin Oiye Coon.\r\nSigned release form added to administrative tab under ddr-manz-9-1 (CC 9/17).", "rights": "cc", "prefercite": "Courtesy of Manzanar National Historic Site and the Rose Honda Collection", "search_hidden": "", "download_large": "ddr-manz-9-3-mezzanine-e928bd1cee-a.jpg" }{ "id": "ddr-manz-9", "model": "collection", "collection_id": "ddr-manz-9", "links": { "html": "