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GET /api/0.2/ddr-densho-151/children/
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It is situated eleven miles north of the city.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-1", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Sacramento Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Sacramento", "id": "14" } ], "creation": "20-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-1-mezzanine-41983d2718-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-2", "model": "entity", "index": "1 1/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-2/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-2/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-2-mezzanine-dc23145f25-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-2-mezzanine-dc23145f25-a.jpg" }, "title": "Japanese Americans outside barracks", "description": "Original WRA caption: Sacramento, California. Former University of California students of Japanese ancestry were evacuated from Sacramento to this Assembly center.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-2", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Sacramento Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Sacramento", "id": "14" } ], "creation": "20-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-2-mezzanine-dc23145f25-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-3", "model": "entity", "index": "2 2/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-3/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-3/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-3-mezzanine-da610c9b1a-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-3-mezzanine-da610c9b1a-a.jpg" }, "title": "Japanese Americans outside barracks", "description": "Original WRA caption: Sacramento, California. College students of Japanese ancestry who have been evacuated from Sacramento to the Assembly Center.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-3", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Sacramento Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Sacramento", "id": "14" } ], "creation": "20-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-3-mezzanine-da610c9b1a-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-4", "model": "entity", "index": "3 3/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-4/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-4/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-4-mezzanine-f629a340a4-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-4-mezzanine-f629a340a4-a.jpg" }, "title": "Assembly center new arrivals", "description": "Original WRA caption: Stockton, California. Noon on a hot day at the Stockton Assembly center, which is a converted fairgrounds. This group of people on the race track are new arrivals who have been registered, inspected, medically examined, and are now on their way to their assigned places in the barracks.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-4", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Temporary Assembly Centers -- Living conditions", "id": "62" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Stockton Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Stockton", "id": "16" } ], "creation": "19-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-4-mezzanine-f629a340a4-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-5", "model": "entity", "index": "4 4/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-5/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-5/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-5-mezzanine-8d57af7abc-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-5-mezzanine-8d57af7abc-a.jpg" }, "title": "Young boy in assembly center", "description": "Original WRA caption: Stockton, California. Roy Kaneda in the assembly center which is situated on the outskirts of his home town. He is continuing his high school studies with other boys at the assembly center.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-5", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "persons": [ { "namepart": "Kaneda, Roy" } ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Stockton Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Stockton", "id": "16" } ], "creation": "19-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer Kaneda, Roy", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-5-mezzanine-8d57af7abc-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-6", "model": "entity", "index": "5 5/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-6/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-6/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-6-mezzanine-07b073cc02-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-6-mezzanine-07b073cc02-a.jpg" }, "title": "Assembly center new arrivals", "description": "Original WRA caption: Stockton, California. Arrival at Assembly center at 12:45 pm. This assembly center has been open for one week. This group was evacuated from their homes in the Lodi district (grape area) this morning. Their identification numbers and family groups are checked by officials as they get off the bus. They are then directed to the place where their baggage is checked for contraband. After which they are medically examined and then proceed to their assigned place in the barracks. Eight bus loads will arrive at this center today. More than 70,000 citizens and aliens of Japanese ancestry have by this date been removed to assembly centers or in reception centers. These evacuees have need for very little household equipment in this new life, but many are seen bringing in new brooms.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-6", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Temporary Assembly Centers -- Living conditions", "id": "62" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Stockton Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Stockton", "id": "16" } ], "creation": "19-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-6-mezzanine-07b073cc02-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-7", "model": "entity", "index": "6 6/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-7/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-7/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-7-mezzanine-29ee2fb1e8-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-7-mezzanine-29ee2fb1e8-a.jpg" }, "title": "View of Stockton Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: Stockton, California. Part of the Stockton Assembly center as seen at noon on a hot day. This center has been open to evacuees of Japanese ancestry for one week.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-7", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Temporary Assembly Centers -- Living conditions", "id": "62" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Stockton Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Stockton", "id": "16" } ], "creation": "19-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-7-mezzanine-29ee2fb1e8-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-8", "model": "entity", "index": "7 7/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-8/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-8/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-8-mezzanine-fda0fea33c-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-8-mezzanine-fda0fea33c-a.jpg" }, "title": "Baggage inspection", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Baggage is inspected as families arrive at Turlock assembly center. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-8", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Temporary Assembly Centers -- Living conditions", "id": "62" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-Apr-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-8-mezzanine-fda0fea33c-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-9", "model": "entity", "index": "8 8/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-9/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-9/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-9-mezzanine-5ab9b7f307-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-9-mezzanine-5ab9b7f307-a.jpg" }, "title": "New assembly center arrivals", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. These children have just arrived at Turlock Assembly center. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be transferred later to a War Relocation Authority center for the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-9", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-9-mezzanine-5ab9b7f307-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-10", "model": "entity", "index": "9 9/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-10/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-10/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-10-mezzanine-9e9e2d9c31-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-10-mezzanine-9e9e2d9c31-a.jpg" }, "title": "Japanese Americans arriving at Turlock Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. These evacuees of Japanese ancestry have just arrived at the Turlock Assembly center which has been open only two days. They are on their way to their places in the barracks where they have been assigned by family groups. Later evacuees will be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-10", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-10-mezzanine-9e9e2d9c31-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-11", "model": "entity", "index": "10 10/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-11/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-11/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-11-mezzanine-4a0b757695-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-11-mezzanine-4a0b757695-a.jpg" }, "title": "New arrivals at the Turlock Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Families of Japanese ancestry arrived at Turlock assembly center. Evacuees will be housed later at War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-11", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-11-mezzanine-4a0b757695-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-12", "model": "entity", "index": "11 11/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-12/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-12/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-12-mezzanine-61b2e4cb04-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-12-mezzanine-61b2e4cb04-a.jpg" }, "title": "Baggage inspection", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Baggage is inspected as families arrive at Turlock assembly center. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-12", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Concentration camps -- Facilities, services, and camp administration", "id": "69" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-Apr-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-12-mezzanine-61b2e4cb04-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-13", "model": "entity", "index": "12 12/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-13/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-13/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-13-mezzanine-5d8aeab142-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-13-mezzanine-5d8aeab142-a.jpg" }, "title": "Japanese American family", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Members of the Esaki family at Turlock assembly center. The parents, who came to this country 38 years ago, owned a fruit ranch near Winters on which all but two of this group lived. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-13", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-13-mezzanine-5d8aeab142-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-14", "model": "entity", "index": "13 13/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-14/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-14/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-14-mezzanine-54a6220d14-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-14-mezzanine-54a6220d14-a.jpg" }, "title": "New arrivals at the Turlock Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Families of Japanese ancestry arrive at Turlock Assembly Center. Evacuees will be housed later at War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-14", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-14-mezzanine-54a6220d14-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-15", "model": "entity", "index": "14 14/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-15/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-15/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-15-mezzanine-99c54d9302-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-15-mezzanine-99c54d9302-a.jpg" }, "title": "New arrivals at the Turlock Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. This aged woman of Japanese ancestry , in foreground, has just arrived at this Assembly center.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-15", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-15-mezzanine-99c54d9302-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-16", "model": "entity", "index": "15 15/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-16/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-16/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-16-mezzanine-8dea92c011-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-16-mezzanine-8dea92c011-a.jpg" }, "title": "New arrivals at the Turlock Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Arrivals at Assembly center on their way to their new quarters. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be transferred later from assembly centers to War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-16", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-16-mezzanine-8dea92c011-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-17", "model": "entity", "index": "16 16/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-17/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-17/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-17-mezzanine-8386ace8bd-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-17-mezzanine-8386ace8bd-a.jpg" }, "title": "New arrivals at the Turlock Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. These young evacuees of Japanese ancestry are awaiting their turn for baggage inspection at this Assembly center.\r\n\r\nIdentified left to right: unidentified, Bert Asato Nakao (upper boy), June Nakao (lower boy), Frank Shigenobu Nakao (just visible in middle), James Hajime Nakao facing away from the camera talking to his parents Kazuyo Nakao and Shizunobu Nakao.", "extent": "unknown", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-17", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "persons": [ { "nr_id": "88922/nr005ds59", "namepart": "Nakao, June" }, { "nr_id": "88922/nr005ds3x", "namepart": "Nakao, Bert Asato" }, { "nr_id": "88922/nr005ds27", "namepart": "Nakao, Frank Shigenobu" }, { "nr_id": "88922/nr005ds1j", "namepart": "Nakao, James Hajime" }, { "nr_id": "88922/nr005ds0v", "namepart": "Nakao, Kazuyo" }, { "nr_id": "88922/nr005dr9d", "namepart": "Nakao, Shizunobu" } ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Turlock Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "May 2, 1942", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer Nakao, June 88922nr005ds59\nNakao, Bert Asato 88922nr005ds3x\nNakao, Frank Shigenobu 88922nr005ds27\nNakao, James Hajime 88922nr005ds1j\nNakao, Kazuyo 88922nr005ds0v\nNakao, Shizunobu 88922nr005dr9d", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-17-mezzanine-8386ace8bd-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-18", "model": "entity", "index": "17 17/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-18/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-18/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-18-mezzanine-6649e6e9ca-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-18-mezzanine-6649e6e9ca-a.jpg" }, "title": "Mass removal", "description": "Original WRA caption: Byron, California. Main Street of small town in the farming district, on morning of evacuation. Six bus loads of residents of Japanese ancestry were checked in and taken to the Assembly center at the Turlock Fairgrounds, 65 miles away.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-18", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Mass removal (\"evacuation\") -- \"Evacuation Day\"", "id": "190" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Byron, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Turlock", "id": "17" } ], "creation": "2-May-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-18-mezzanine-6649e6e9ca-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-19", "model": "entity", "index": "18 18/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-19/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-19/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-19-mezzanine-af77fa86b5-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-19-mezzanine-af77fa86b5-a.jpg" }, "title": "Assembly center barracks", "description": "Original WRA caption: Tanforan Assembly center, San Bruno, California. Barracks for family living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms. Tanforan assembly center was opened two days before the photograph was made. On the first day there had been a heavy rain. When a family has arrived here, first step of evacuation is complete.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-19", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Temporary Assembly Centers -- Living conditions", "id": "62" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Tanforan Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Tanforan", "id": "15" } ], "creation": "29-Apr-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-19-mezzanine-af77fa86b5-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-20", "model": "entity", "index": "19 19/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-20/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-20/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-20-mezzanine-9d70ba1f68-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-20-mezzanine-9d70ba1f68-a.jpg" }, "title": "Horse stall at the Tanforan Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. A near- view of a horse stall left from days when what is now Tanforan Assembly center, was the famous Tanforan Race Track. Most of these stalls have been converted into family living quarters for evacuated Japanese.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-20", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Temporary Assembly Centers -- Living conditions", "id": "62" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Tanforan Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Tanforan", "id": "15" } ], "creation": "16-Jun-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-20-mezzanine-9d70ba1f68-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-21", "model": "entity", "index": "20 20/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-21/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-21/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-21-mezzanine-8f6ef9d711-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-21-mezzanine-8f6ef9d711-a.jpg" }, "title": "Election poster", "description": "Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Buildings of the Tanforan Center are plastered at this time with all manner of locally devised posters incident to the election of five each of the five precincts.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-21", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Concentration camps -- Facilities, services, and camp administration", "id": "69" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Tanforan Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Tanforan", "id": "15" } ], "creation": "16-Jun-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-21-mezzanine-8f6ef9d711-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-22", "model": "entity", "index": "21 21/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-22/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-22/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-22-mezzanine-e781dff88e-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-22-mezzanine-e781dff88e-a.jpg" }, "title": "New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Evacuees of Japaneses ancestry arriving at the Tanforan Assembly center. They are being checked as they leave the bus.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-22", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Tanforan Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Tanforan", "id": "15" } ], "creation": "29-Apr-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-22-mezzanine-e781dff88e-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-23", "model": "entity", "index": "22 22/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-23/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-23/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-23-mezzanine-936fc5466d-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-23-mezzanine-936fc5466d-a.jpg" }, "title": "New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Family of Japanese ancestry arrives at assembly center at Tanforan Race Track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-23", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Tanforan Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Tanforan", "id": "15" } ], "creation": "29-Apr-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-23-mezzanine-936fc5466d-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-24", "model": "entity", "index": "23 23/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-24/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-24/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-24-mezzanine-00228b68d0-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-24-mezzanine-00228b68d0-a.jpg" }, "title": "New arrivals at the Tanforan Assembly Center", "description": "Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Family of Japanese ancestry arrives at assembly center at Tanforan Race Track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-24", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Tanforan Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Tanforan", "id": "15" } ], "creation": "29-Apr-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-24-mezzanine-00228b68d0-a.jpg" }, { "id": "ddr-densho-151-25", "model": "entity", "index": "24 24/{'value': 478, 'relation': 'eq'}", "links": { "html": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-densho-151-25/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-densho-151-25/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-25-mezzanine-925fbf490c-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-densho-151/ddr-densho-151-25-mezzanine-925fbf490c-a.jpg" }, "title": "Assembly center barracks", "description": "Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Barracks for family living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms. Tanforan Center was opened two days before this photo was made. The truck seen coming down the dirt road is bringing bed-rolls and baggage to evacuees who have just arrived and are occupying these quarters.", "links_children": "ddr-densho-151-25", "creators": [ { "role": "photographer", "namepart": "Lange, Dorothea" } ], "topics": [ { "term": "World War II -- Temporary Assembly Centers -- Living conditions", "id": "62" } ], "format": "img", "language": [ "eng" ], "contributor": "Densho", "rights": "pdm", "genre": "photograph", "location": "Tanforan Assembly Center, California", "facility": [ { "term": "Tanforan", "id": "15" } ], "creation": "29-Apr-42", "status": "completed", "search_hidden": "Lange, Dorothea photographer", "download_large": "ddr-densho-151-25-mezzanine-925fbf490c-a.jpg" } ], "query": { "query": { "wildcard": { "id": "ddr-densho-151-*" } }, "sort": [ "repo", "org", "cid", "eid", { "role": { "order": "desc" } }, "sort", "sha1", "id" ], "_source": [ "id", "model", "links_html", "links_json", "links_img", "links_thumb", "links_children", "status", "public", "title", "description", "contributor", "creators", "creators.namepart", "facility", "format", "genre", "geography", "label", "language", "creation", "location", "persons", "rights", "topics", "image_url", "display_name", "bio", "extent", "search_hidden" ] }, "aggregations": {} }{ "total": 478, "limit": 25, "offset": 0, "prev_offset": null, "next_offset": 25, "page_size": 25, "this_page": 1, "num_this_page": 25, "prev_api": "", "next_api": "