Object Detail
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GET /api/0.2/ddr-csujad-55/
https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-csujad-55/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-55/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-csujad-55/ddr-csujad-55-1316-mezzanine-5d03fc2303-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-csujad-55/ddr-csujad-55-1316-mezzanine-5d03fc2303-a.jpg", "parent": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad/", "children": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-55/children/" }, "parent_id": "ddr-csujad", "organization_id": "ddr-csujad", "signature_id": "ddr-csujad-55-1316-mezzanine-5d03fc2303", "title": "CSU Sacramento Japanese American Archival Collection", "description": "The Japanese American Archival Collection documents the people, places, and daily life of Japanese Americans, primarily those who lived in the once thriving community of pre-war Florin in the Sacramento region, as well as the conditions in American incarceration camps during World War II. The approximately 7,000 original items include personal and official letters, photographs, diaries, arts and crafts, newsletters, textiles, camps artifacts, yearbooks and other publications.", "breadcrumbs": [ { "id": "ddr-csujad-55", "model": "collection", "idpart": "cid", "label": "55", "api_url": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-55/", "url": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-csujad-55/" } ], "_fields": [ "id", "record_created", "record_lastmod", "status", "public", "title", "unitdateinclusive", "unitdatebulk", "creators", "extent", "language", "contributor", "description", "physloc", "rights", "accessrestrict", "userrestrict", "prefercite", "bioghist", "scopecontent", "relatedmaterial", "separatedmaterial", "signature_id" ], "record_created": "2020-09-08T13:37:51", "record_lastmod": "2021-03-30T10:57:30", "status": "completed", "public": "1", "unitdateinclusive": "circa 1880-2003", "unitdatebulk": "circa 1910-1955", "extent": "180 linear feet", "language": [ "eng", "jpn" ], "contributor": "California State University, Sacramento, Department of Special Collections and University Archives", "physloc": "Donald & Beverly Gerth Special Collections & University Archives<br />University Library<br />California State University, Sacramento<br />2000 State University Drive East<br />Sacramento, California 95819-6039<br />Phone: (916) 278-6144<br />URL: https:/", "acqinfo": "Donald & Beverly Gerth Special Collections & University Archives<br />University Library<br />California State University, Sacramento<br />2000 State University Drive East<br />Sacramento, California 95819-6039<br />Phone: (916) 278-6144<br />URL: https://library.csus.edu/special-collections-and-university-archives", "rights": "nocc", "userrestrict": "All requests for permission to publish must be submitted in writing to California State University, Sacramento, University Library, Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives as the owner of the physical item and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained. Further information available online: www.lib.csus.edu/scua", "prefercite": "Courtesy of California State University, Sacramento, Department of Special Collections and University Archives", "search_hidden": "", "download_large": "ddr-csujad-55-1316-mezzanine-5d03fc2303-a.jpg" }{ "id": "ddr-csujad-55", "model": "collection", "collection_id": "ddr-csujad-55", "links": { "html": "