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GET /api/0.2/ddr-csujad-52-34/
https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-csujad-52-34/", "json": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-52-34/", "img": "https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-csujad-52/ddr-csujad-52-34-mezzanine-b4bcf28eef-a.jpg", "thumb": "http://ddrmedia.local/media/ddr-csujad-52/ddr-csujad-52-34-mezzanine-b4bcf28eef-a.jpg", "parent": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-52/", "children-objects": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-52-34/children/", "children-files": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-52-34/files/" }, "parent_id": "ddr-csujad-52", "organization_id": "ddr-csujad", "signature_id": "ddr-csujad-52-34-mezzanine-b4bcf28eef", "title": "Hannah Tomiko Holmes speaks at a press conference in Los Angeles about a lawsuit seeking reparations", "description": "Caption next to image reads, \"LAWSUIT FILED AGAINST U.S.--Hannah Tomiko Holmes, a Japanese-American who was interned at Manzanar, speaks at a press conference in Los Angeles Wednesday during which it was announced that a lawsuit had been filed against the United States government by a group of Japanese-Americans who were interned during World War II. The suit seeks to represent more than 120,000 former internees as a class and seeks more than $24 billion in reparations.\" See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: <a href=\"http://cdm16855.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16855coll4/id/36734\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">hslb_npc_0038</a>", "breadcrumbs": [ { "id": "ddr-csujad-52", "model": "collection", "idpart": "cid", "label": "52", "api_url": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-52/", "url": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-csujad-52/" }, { "id": "ddr-csujad-52-34", "model": "entity", "idpart": "eid", "label": "34", "api_url": "https://ddr.densho.org/api/0.2/ddr-csujad-52-34/", "url": "https://ddr.densho.org/ddr-csujad-52-34/" } ], "_fields": [ "id", "record_created", "record_lastmod", "status", "public", "sort", "title", "description", "creation", "location", "creators", "language", "genre", "format", "extent", "contributor", "alternate_id", "digitize_person", "digitize_organization", "digitize_date", "credit", "rights", "rights_statement", "topics", "persons", "facility", "chronology", "geography", "parent", "signature_id" ], "record_created": "2020-10-12T14:32:16", "record_lastmod": "2021-03-23T10:29:39", "status": "completed", "sort": 1, "creation": "3/16/1983", "location": "Los Angeles, California", "creators": [ { "namepart": "Associated Press", "role": "publisher" } ], "language": [ "eng" ], "genre": "photograph", "format": "img", "extent": "sepia and black, 8 x 11 inches", "contributor": "Historical Society of Long Beach, Long Beach, California", "alternate_id": "CSUJAD Local ID: hslb_npc_0038, CSUJAD Project ID: hslb_npc_0038", "credit": "Courtesy of Historical Society of Long Beach, Long Beach, California", "rights": "nocc", "rights_statement": "HSLB Digital Collections are for educational and research use only. Requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director of Historical Society of Long Beach. Permission for publication is given on behalf of Historical Society of Long Beach as the owner of the physical materials, and does not include permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained.", "topics": [ { "id": "234", "term": "Activism and involvement -- Civil rights" }, { "id": "167", "term": "Redress and reparations -- Legal cases/coram nobis cases" }, { "id": "111", "term": "Redress and reparations -- Mobilizing and organizing the community" } ], "search_hidden": "Associated Press publisher", "topics_id": [ "234", "167", "111" ], "download_large": "ddr-csujad-52-34-mezzanine-b4bcf28eef-a.jpg" }{ "id": "ddr-csujad-52-34", "model": "entity", "collection_id": "ddr-csujad-52", "links": { "html": "