Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 7 (August 17, 1956)

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Pacific Citizen 1956 Collection

Selected article titles: "Congressman Cites Masaoka Letter on Restriction of Japan Imports" (p. 1), "Demo platform chairman lauds nisei loyalty" (p. 1), "Army to Curtail Japanese Language at Presidio School" (p. 1), "$187,000 for evacuation claims payment approved for 28 recipients" (p. 1), "Citizenship restoration policy for Tule Lake renunciants established" (p. 2), "College extension course on citizenship most prized possession of war bride" (p. 3), "N.Y. Times features story updating status of Japanese Americans" (p. 4), "JACL convention notes what to wear; minimum wardrobe suggested for women" (p. 8).

August 17, 1956



Pacific Citizen

Courtesy of the Pacific Citizen