Helen Keller and Polly Thomson meeting with Senjuro Hayashi in Japan

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-1-759 (G277.006)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Gaijin" Collection

Caption on reverse [translation]: "Ms. Helen Keller has Discussion with Prime Minister Hayashi with her 'Heart's Eye.' (Tokyo) April 17, 1937. Helen Keller, the 'saint of three burdens,' visited the foreign ministry, home ministry, and imperial household ministry on the morning of the 17th. Accompanied by her secretary Ms. Thomson, Iwahashi Takeo, and others, she visited Prime Minister and Minister of Education Hayashi at 10:40 a.m. at the prime minister's residence. After exchanging a firm handshake with the minister, who was waiting in his office, Ms. Keller, making use of her 'heart's eye' in the place of her unseeing eyes, had a moving discussion with him for about 20 minutes through three-layered interpreting via Ms. Thomson's hands and English and Mr. Iwahashi's English. Photograph: 1. Ms. Keller visiting Prime Minister Hayashi."

Apr. 1937


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Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation

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