Wang Chonghui seated with Ambassador Jiang

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-1-1019 (G385.007)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Gaijin" Collection

Caption on reverse [translation]: "Goodwill Ambassador Wang Chonghui Comes to Japan. (Tokyo) February 19, 1935. With Sino-Japanese relations recently improving, Wang Chonghui, justice of the Permanent Court of International Justice, has been dispatched as an envoy from Chiang Kaishek, who wishes to see the intentions of the Japanese government and people towards taking concrete steps to create ties between the two countries. Wang arrived in Yokohama at 1:30 p.m. on the 19th aboard the Dollar Steamship SS President Pierce while on his way back to the Hague. He was welcomed by numerous figures involved in relations with China, including Chinese Ambassador Jiang Zuobin, Yokohama Consul Wang Hongnian, and personnel from the foreign ministry's East Asian section. Photograph: 1. Wang (left) and Ambassador Jiang (right) at the Imperial Hotel."

February 19, 1935


Still Image

Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation

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