Roosevelt Grade School third grade rhythm band

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ddr-densho-62-6 (Legacy UID: denshopd-p62-00006)

Watanabe Collection

Edith Watanabe is the triangle player in the bottom left corner. She doesn't remember anything about being in that band. Top row, L to R: Herbert Miller, Norman Grimbly, Claude Young, Helen Reed, Willie Sue Young, Billie Stinchey, June Elstead, Elsie Ovenall, Jack Stinchey, Louise Neff, Milton Reed. Middle row, L to R: Helen Lay, Evelyn Jordan, Betty Lee, Lauren Albie, Margarite Loomis, Jaunita Galbreath, Marjorie Struten, Jean Stanstead, Elizabeth Benston, Loriene Benson, Mary (unknown last name), Tommy Wallace. Front row, L to R: Edith Takagi, Earl Silverthorn, Martha Elsassen, Shirley Jones, Verna Cotton, Billie Tary, Billie McKinley, Kenneth Loving, Tona Vronan, June Stanstead, Chester Stuff.

c. 1929


Still Image


Courtesy of the Watanabe Family Collection

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