Members of SYNKOA in front of the Japanese Students Club clubhouse

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ddr-densho-45-2 (Legacy UID: denshopd-i45-00002)

UW Nikkei Alumni Association Collection

After World War II, the Japanese Students Club became known as SYNKOA to honor members who had died during the war. The first letters of the following members' last names make up the acronym: George T. Sawada, Frank M. Shigemura, George Yamaguchi, Hideo H. Yasui, Shigeo Yoshioka, William K. Nakamura, Ben Ninomiya, Jiro Kanetomi, Yoshio Kato, John R. Kawaguchi, Francis T. Kinoshita, Takaaki Okazaki, and Eugene T. Amabe.

c. 1950


Still Image


Courtesy of the UW Nikkei Alumni Association

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