Football team

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ddr-densho-23-17 (Legacy UID: denshopd-p23-00017)

Tazuma Collection

Organized sports such as baseball and football were important for the Japanese American community because they encouraged cohesiveness. Teams composed entirely of Nisei competed against one another. Several Nisei sports leagues were formed in the 1930s. Front (left to right): Torazo Hikida, Ken Shimbo, George Ishii, Jackson Sonada, Genji Nishimura (holding football), "Nap" Nishisaka, Fred Kosaka, Min Koga, Terumasa Furuta, unidentified, and Keith Oka. Back: George Inouye, Michio Shinoda, Kenta Takatsuki, George Taki (?), Ichino Sakano, Noburu Saito, Coach Doi (first name unknown), "Corky" Kawasaki, George Nojini, Harunaki Ida, Tom Kinamoto, Tobo Matsuzaki, and "Hippo" Kawahara.



Still Image


Courtesy of the Tazuma Family Collection

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