Fresno Grapevine Vol. I No. 19 (July 25, 1942)

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ddr-densho-190-19 (Legacy UID: denshopd-i190-00019)

Fresno Grapevine Collection

Selected article titles: "Clothing Allotment Begins Monday. Warehouse 9 to be Scene of Ordering" (p. 1), "New Center Regulations are Revealed" (p. 1), "Editorial: Pleasing Your Palate" (p. 2), "Refrigeration Compartments are Completed" (p. 3), "No More Neck Stretching Grease Pits Installed" (p. 3), "Whooping Cough 'Shots' to be Given Tuesday" (p. 4), "Warehousemen Eat Chop Suey" (p. 4).

July 25, 1942




Courtesy of the Hoover Institution Library

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