Dorothea Lange Collection ddr-densho-151

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478 items
Japanese Americans waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-327)
img Japanese Americans waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-327)
Original caption: Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs. Kitagaki with two of their children at the Wartime Civil Control Administration station a few minutes before departure by bus for Tanforan Assembly center. A local church member is handing Kimiko a pamphlet expressing the good wishes of the church toward the departing evacuees. Mr. Kitagaki, prior to evacuation, …
Japanese Americans boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-328)
img Japanese Americans boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-328)
Original caption: Byron, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry boarding a bus for the Turlock Assembly center, sixty-five miles away. Six bus-loads left on this day from this small agricultural town which included highly skilled managers, farm owners, tenant operators, tractor drivers, and farm laborers.
Japanese American family waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-329)
img Japanese American family waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-329)
Original caption: Oakland, California. Evacuee family of Japanese ancestry leaving Wartime Civil Control Administration station to board a bus which will take them to Tanforan Assembly center.
Japanese Americans inside barracks (ddr-densho-151-330)
img Japanese Americans inside barracks (ddr-densho-151-330)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Old Mr. Konda in barrack apartment, after supper. He lives here with his two sons, his married daughter and her husband. They share two small rooms together. His daughter is seen behind him, knitting. He has been a truck farmer and raised his family who are also farmers, in Centerville, Alameda …
Preschool class (ddr-densho-151-331)
img Preschool class (ddr-densho-151-331)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Pre-school evacuee children leaving the building for recess at this assembly center. There are about 25 children enrolled with six volunteer student teachers being trained by a Mills College graduate, all of Japanese ancestry.
Preschool class (ddr-densho-151-332)
img Preschool class (ddr-densho-151-332)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Pre-school evacuee children at this assembly center number 25 with six volunteer student teachers being trained by a Mills College graduate, all of Japanese ancestry.
Japanese Americans waiting for train (ddr-densho-151-333)
img Japanese Americans waiting for train (ddr-densho-151-333)
Original caption: Woodland, California. Families of Japanese ancestry have come in from the ranches this morning and are gathered at the railroad station awaiting the special train which will take them to an assembly center. Approximately 750 persons from this area being evacuated under Civilian Exclusion Order Number 78.
Japanese Americans preparing to vote (ddr-densho-151-334)
img Japanese Americans preparing to vote (ddr-densho-151-334)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Entering Recreational Hall where election is being held for Councilman. A general election for five members of the Tanforan Assembly Center Advisory Council is being held on this day. The Issei have never been able to vote before because of American naturalization laws.
Japanese Americans in doorway of barracks (ddr-densho-151-335)
img Japanese Americans in doorway of barracks (ddr-densho-151-335)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. A mother and daughter, Issei and Nissei, who have been living in this Assembly center for one month, are seen at the door of their home in the barracks.
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-336)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-336)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. A close-up of the exterior of a family unit. These barracks were formerly horse-stalls. Each family is assigned two small rooms. The interior one has neither outside door nor window.
Nursery school (ddr-densho-151-337)
img Nursery school (ddr-densho-151-337)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. A nursery school has been established at this assembly center with young evacuees volunteer student teachers learning nursery school technics [sic] from an evacuee Mills College graduate trained in this work.
Japanese Americans carving wood (ddr-densho-151-338)
img Japanese Americans carving wood (ddr-densho-151-338)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Father and son while away the hours carving small wooden animals for the children in front of their home in the barracks. They have been living at the Assembly center for approximately two weeks.
Two young Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-151-339)
img Two young Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-151-339)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Young evacuees at this Assembly center begged to have their pictures taken.
Japanese Americans working in garden (ddr-densho-151-340)
img Japanese Americans working in garden (ddr-densho-151-340)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Mrs. Fujita and her neighbor inspecting the tiny vegetable garden she has planted in front of their barracks.
Dental clinic (ddr-densho-151-341)
img Dental clinic (ddr-densho-151-341)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. The dental clinic in one of a group of four buildings devoted to medical services. All medical services at this assembly center are conducted by doctors and nurses of Japanese ancestry. After weeks of difficulty due to lack of equipment and facilities, they are now able to care for the needs …
Japanese American workers digging a ditch (ddr-densho-151-342)
img Japanese American workers digging a ditch (ddr-densho-151-342)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Maintenance work, repair and construction is done by volunteer evacuee workers. The wages are $8.00 per month for 48 hours per week. This gang of boys and young men are digging a drainage tank along the front of one of the barracks.
Japanese American workers resting in shade (ddr-densho-151-343)
img Japanese American workers resting in shade (ddr-densho-151-343)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Time out for some of the boys on the Work Corps. All maintenance work, repair and construction is done by volunteer evacuee workers. The wages are $8.00 per month for 48 hours a week. This gang of boys and young men are digging a drainage tank along one of the barracks.
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-344)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-344)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. This scene shows one type of barracks for family use. These were formerly the stalls for race horses. Each family is assigned to two small rooms, the inner one, of which, has no outside door nor window. The center has been in operation about six weeks and 8,000 persons of Japanese …
View of barracks and mess hall (ddr-densho-151-345)
img View of barracks and mess hall (ddr-densho-151-345)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Another view of barracks at the Tanforan Assembly center, after approximately six weeks of occupancy. The building on the right is one of the eighteen such mess halls which, together, accommodate approximately 8,000 persons for three meals each day.
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-346)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-346)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Shown here is one type of barracks for family use. These were formerly the stalls for race horses. Each family is assigned to two small rooms, the inner one with no outside door nor window. The center has been in operation for about six weeks. 8,000 evacuees are now assembled here.
Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-347)
img Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-347)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. "Supper time" Meal times are the big events of the day at assembly centers. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift at 5:45 pm. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in bags to protect them from the dust. They, themselves, individually wash their own …
Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-348)
img Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-348)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Supper time: Meal times are the big events of the day at assembly centers. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift at 5:45 pm. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in bags to protect them from the dust. They, themselves, individually wash their own …
Japanese Americans waiting in line to vote (ddr-densho-151-349)
img Japanese Americans waiting in line to vote (ddr-densho-151-349)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Entering Recreational Hall where election is being held for Councilmen. A general election for five members of the Tanforan Assembly center Advisory Council is being held on this day. The Issei have never been able to vote before because of American naturalization laws.
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-350)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-350)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Looking down one of the avenues between rows of barracks. The ones on the right are converted horse stalls, and those on the left are newly constructed and typical of an assembly center and relocation centers throughout the west. They are 100 feet long, covered with black tar paper, contain five …
Japanese American nurse in medical clinic (ddr-densho-151-351)
img Japanese American nurse in medical clinic (ddr-densho-151-351)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. An evacuee nurse of Japanese ancestry tidying up after a busy morning in the medical clinic at this assembly center.

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